Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Las 5 Mejores Opciones De Compra De Acciones

Mi mejor acción para marzo

Mar 15, 2016 a las 7:40 PM

Es probable que esta mujer revise su perfil de Facebook al menos una vez mientras se sienta. Fuente de la imagen: Pixabay.

Cada mes, mi esposa y yo contribuimos una pequeña suma a nuestras carteras de jubilación a través de una inversión en una sola acción. Este mes, estaremos poniendo nuestro dinero detrás de un stock bien conocido que muchos consideran caro: Facebook (NASDAQ: FB).

Pero realmente, ¿es tan caro? Si vas a muchos sitios web financieros, las acciones de Facebook se negocian por un precio de 84 veces las ganancias. Pero para ser justos, esos son los principios de contabilidad generalmente aceptados (GAAP) los ingresos - que están fuertemente influenciados por las opciones sobre acciones concedidas a los empleados.

Mientras que esos premios son dignos de seguimiento, muchos inversionistas - incluido yo mismo - creen que las ganancias no GAAP proporcionan un mejor palo de medición. En este frente, Facebook se negocia por un precio mucho más razonable de 48 veces las ganancias. Esto también jibes bien con el hecho de que la compañía negocia por aproximadamente 50 veces el flujo de caja libre (FCF).

Pero incluso con 48 veces los ingresos, muchos pueden pensar que Facebook está sobrevalorado. Eso es justo, pero es por lo menos digno de mencionar que la compañía ha crecido las ganancias no-GAAP en un 52% desde que se publicó. Mirando hacia el futuro, los analistas esperan que la tendencia continúe, con ganancias creciendo un 33% por año entre ahora y el final de 2019.

Esto es lo que el precio actual de Facebook parece cuando se ve contra esas expectativas.

OK, OK - Puedo oír las quejas ya: "¿A quién le importa las estimaciones de los analistas? ¡Normalmente están equivocados de todos modos!"

En lo que a Facebook se refiere, usted tendría razón: los analistas casi siempre han estado equivocados - porque Facebook ha soplado absolutamente lejos. Cuando se trata de ganancias no-GAAP, aquí es cómo la compañía ha ido frente a las expectativas desde que se va público.

Sólo una vez en 15 informes de ganancias ha Facebook llegar a corto de lo que Wall Street esperaba. En promedio, la compañía ha superado las expectativas en un 16% por trimestre. Como puede ver, el margen de esos latidos cayó considerablemente en la segunda mitad de 2014 - como "expertos" comenzaron a captar el hecho de que Facebook fue un éxito masivo en la venta de publicidad móvil.

Incluso si se baja la bola y asumir que Facebook "sólo" superar las expectativas en un 5% por año avanzando, el stock podría ser incluso más barato que las estimaciones anteriores sugieren.

¿Qué pasa con el negocio en sí? No se equivoquen: Aunque Facebook es un servicio gratuito que es uno de los destinos más populares en Internet, y aunque posee algunas marcas cada vez más importantes en Instagram, WhatsApp y Oculus Rift, en lo que respecta a los inversores, Facebook Es un negocio publicitario.

Con más de 890 millones de usuarios activos diarios, Facebook ha acumulado montañas de información sobre los consumidores. Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) es la única otra compañía que puede incluso tocar ese tipo de archivo de datos. Todos estos datos de usuario permiten a la empresa ofrecer anuncios que son ultra-orientados para llegar a la audiencia correcta. Las compañías - especialmente las pequeñas con medios limitados - están dispuestas a pagar por ese acceso.

Facebook llegó a 1 millón de anunciantes activos en junio de 2013.

Sólo 20 meses después, en febrero de 2015, ese número se había duplicado a 2 millones de anunciantes activos.

Sorprendentemente, sólo tomó 13 meses más - hasta marzo de 2016 - a los 3 millones de anunciantes activos!

Los ingresos publicitarios explotaron totalmente durante ese período, aumentando en un 55% anual entre 2010 y 2015.

Aquí está la cosa asustadiza: La tendencia publicitaria móvil apenas está comenzando. Un informe de la semana pasada de eMarketer muestra que la publicidad móvil se espera que aumente de $ 31.6 mil millones en 2015, a $ 77.1 mil millones en 2020.

No es de extrañar, Alphabet - a través de Google - y Facebook son los grandes perros en la publicidad móvil, de acuerdo, una vez más, a eMarketer. La posición de liderazgo de Facebook debería ayudarlo a atraer una gran parte de ese aumento en el gasto.

De hecho, se espera que Google se pierda cuota de mercado en los próximos años, mientras que Facebook, así como Twitter (NYSE: TWTR) y Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL). Y se prevé que otros ganarán terreno.

Ponerlo todo junto Dadas las oportunidades masivas en la publicidad móvil; La creciente popularidad de Facebook, WhatsApp e Instagram; Un wunderkind de 31 años que dirigía la compañía (y poseía una parte significativa de ella); Y el precio relativamente justo de la compañía a la luz de estos factores - voy a añadir más acciones de la compañía a la cartera de jubilación de mi familia tan pronto como las reglas comerciales de Motley Fool lo permitan.

Una oportunidad secreta de miles de millones de dólares La compañía de tecnología más grande del mundo se olvidó de mostrarte algo, pero algunos analistas de Wall Street y el Fool no perdieron el ritmo: Hay una pequeña empresa que está alimentando sus nuevos aparatos y la revolución que viene en tecnología. Y creemos que su precio de las acciones tiene espacio casi ilimitado para ejecutar a principios de los inversores en el saber! Para ser uno de ellos, haga clic aquí.

Suzanne Frey, ejecutiva de Alphabet, es miembro de la junta directiva de The Motley Fool. Brian Stoffel posee acciones de GOOG, GOOGL, AAPL, FB y TWTR. The Motley Fool posee acciones de y recomienda GOOG, GOOGL, AAPL, FB y TWTR. Pruebe cualquiera de nuestros servicios de boletín Foolish gratis durante 30 días. Tontos no todos pueden tener las mismas opiniones, pero todos creemos que teniendo en cuenta una amplia gama de ideas nos hace mejores inversores. Motley Fool tiene una política de divulgación.

Listas de stock recomendadas

Estas son las listas de valores que puede utilizar en la herramienta SmartSearchXL para limitar el universo de valores al buscar transacciones de opciones. Esta es una manera muy fácil de encontrar empresas con fundamentos decentes si no está seguro de qué criterios fundamentales numéricos para buscar. No sugerimos buscar con criterios numéricos y listas de valores al mismo tiempo que esto "doble filtro" y puede quedar con muy pocos resultados de búsqueda. Por supuesto, usted puede hacer sus propias listas de existencias, así, esto es útil si utiliza otros servicios de lista de acciones y desea buscar operaciones de opción sólo entre los problemas. Las listas múltiples se pueden combinar o utilizar individualmente en sus criterios de búsqueda. Nota: Estas listas son SOLO las existencias opcionales en la lista con nombre.

Ver Listas 1, 2 y 3

Existencias que ingresó en sus Listas de vigilancia en el menú Inicio de PowerOptions.

Dow 30 Industriales

Las acciones que componen el promedio Dow Jones

Acciones por encima de $ 7 dentro del 15% de 12 meses de alta y con calificación de ganancias por acción (EPS) y la fuerza relativa (RTS) de 85 o más.


Una combinación de las existencias de IBD 100 y las existencias de IBD CANSLIM.

IBD lista de acciones líderes en el mercado que muestran un fuerte crecimiento de las ganancias, el patrocinio institucional positivo, la fuerza de la industria, y el sólido crecimiento de las ventas, los márgenes de beneficio y retorno sobre el patrimonio. Estas existencias también deben coincidir con el precio mínimo y los niveles de volumen.

Índice, ETF y HLDRS

Índices opcionales, ETF's y HLDRs.

Inverse ETF's - Mercado de Contadores

Opcional ETF que se mueven en contra de la dirección del mercado. En un mercado alcista el ETF inverso declinará; En un mercado de oso invertir ETF aumentará.

Sólo los problemas que tienen LEAP disponibles. Aproximadamente un tercio de todas las acciones optativas ofrecen opciones LEAP.

ETF que pueden moverse a 2X o 3X en comparación con un ETF regular o inverso ETF.

Mejores opciones de compra de acciones - Listas de acciones - Opciones de mejores opciones

Acciones mejor valoradas

Lo que nuestras calificaciones de acciones significan:

A (Excelente) - El stock tiene un historial excelente para maximizar el rendimiento y minimizar el riesgo, proporcionando así la mejor combinación posible de rendimiento total de la inversión y volatilidad reducida. Ha aprovechado al máximo el entorno económico reciente para maximizar los rendimientos ajustados al riesgo en comparación con otras acciones. Si bien el rendimiento pasado es sólo una indicación - no una garantía - creemos que este fondo es uno de los más probables para ofrecer un rendimiento superior en relación con el riesgo en el futuro también.

B (Bueno) - El stock tiene un buen historial para equilibrar el rendimiento con el riesgo. En comparación con otras acciones, ha alcanzado rendimientos por encima de la media dado el nivel de riesgo en sus inversiones subyacentes. Si bien el rendimiento ajustado por riesgo de cualquier acción está sujeto a cambios, creemos que este fondo ha demostrado ser una buena inversión en el pasado reciente.

C (Fair) - En el trade-off entre el rendimiento y el riesgo, la acción tiene un historial que es aproximadamente el promedio. No es ni significativamente mejor ni significativamente peor que la mayoría de las otras poblaciones. Con algunos fondos en esta categoría, el rendimiento total puede ser mejor que el promedio, pero esto puede ser engañoso ya que el mayor rendimiento se logró con un riesgo superior al promedio. Con otros fondos, el riesgo puede ser inferior al promedio, pero los rendimientos son también más bajos. En resumen, basándose en la historia reciente, no existe ninguna ventaja particular en invertir en este fondo.

D (Débil) - La acción ha tenido un rendimiento inferior al de otros fondos dado el nivel de riesgo de sus inversiones subyacentes, lo que resulta en un débil rendimiento ajustado al riesgo. Por lo tanto, su estrategia de inversión y / o gestión no ha sido adaptada para capitalizar el entorno económico reciente. Si bien el rendimiento ajustado por riesgo de cualquier acción está sujeto a cambios, creemos que este fondo ha demostrado ser una mala inversión en el pasado reciente.

E (muy débil) - El stock ha superado significativamente la mayoría de los otros fondos dado el nivel de riesgo en sus inversiones subyacentes, lo que resulta en un rendimiento muy ajustado al riesgo. Por lo tanto, su estrategia de inversión y / o gestión ha hecho exactamente lo contrario de lo que se necesitaba para maximizar los retornos en el entorno económico reciente. Si bien el rendimiento ajustado por riesgo de cualquier acción está sujeto a cambios, creemos que este fondo ha demostrado ser una muy mala inversión en el pasado reciente.

+ (Plus Sign) - Una indicación de que el fondo está en el tercio superior de su grado de letra.

- (Menos signo) - Una indicación de que el fondo está en el tercio inferior de su grado de letra.

U (sin calificación): el stock no está clasificado porque es demasiado nuevo para hacer una evaluación fiable de su rendimiento ajustado al riesgo. Por lo general, un fondo debe establecerse por lo menos tres años antes de que sea elegible para recibir un TheStreet Investment Rating.

A & amp; B Ratings - Se consideran una compra.

C Calificaciones - Se consideran una retención.

Húmedo; E Ratings - Se consideran una venta.

David Peltier identifica las mejores acciones de dividendo de raza que pagarán un flujo de ingresos confiable y significativo.

Características del producto:

Cartera modelo diversificada de acciones de dividendos

Actualizaciones con pasos exactos a tomar - COMPRAR, SOSTENER, VENDER

Cada recomendación pasa por 3 capas de análisis intensivo de análisis cuantitativo, fundamental y técnico para maximizar el potencial de ganancias y minimizar el riesgo.

Características del producto:

Portafolio Modelo

Alertas de Intra Day Trade

Acceso a los Quant Ratings

Más de 30 profesionales de la inversión con la piel en el juego le dan ideas prácticas e ideas de inversión.

Características del producto:

Acceso al blog diario de Jim Cramer

Comentarios y noticias intradía

Foros comerciales en tiempo real

Los mejores Stocks para comprar ahora

Encuentre las mejores acciones para comprar ahora - Los analistas y colaboradores de TheStreet ofrecen sus mejores selecciones de acciones para 2015.

Estas selecciones de acciones incluyen los comercios técnicos y las acciones de ruptura, las oportunidades de corto apretón, las acciones fundamentalmente infravaloradas y las acciones bastante valoradas con oportunidades de crecimiento interesantes.

Como siempre, una recomendación de compra no debe ser aceptada con la fe ciega - utilizar estas ideas como punto de partida para su propia investigación.

Las mejores acciones para comprar ahora mismo

Los mejores Stocks para comprar ahora

Aquí está un aspecto técnico de por qué los comerciantes deben evitar estas poblaciones - al menos por ahora.

Estas poblaciones están viendo un mayor volumen de comercio hoy. Aquí está una mirada técnica en cómo negociarlos de aquí.

Insiders en estas empresas han estado recogiendo acciones de sus propias acciones últimamente.

Estas cinco grandes acciones podrían estar a punto de aumentar sus pagos de dividendos en el próximo trimestre.

Estas acciones pesadamente en cortocircuito podrían conseguir exprimidas mucho más altas si divulgan los números positivos de las ganancias esta semana.

Selecciones de Penny Stock

Estas cinco acciones que cotizan por menos de 10 dólares por acción están dentro del rango de activación de operaciones de ruptura.

Estas acciones de comercio por menos de $ 10 por acción parecen listos para salir y el comercio más alto de los niveles actuales.

Estas acciones de comercio por menos de $ 10 por acción están dentro de la gama de activar las operaciones de ruptura.

Estas acciones de comercio por menos de $ 10 por acción están dentro de la gama de desencadenar grandes rupturas.

Estas acciones de comercio por menos de $ 10 por acción están dentro de la gama de desencadenar grandes rupturas.

Selecciones Hot Stock

David Peltier identifica las mejores acciones de dividendo de raza que pagarán un flujo de ingresos confiable y significativo.

Características del producto:

Cartera modelo diversificada de acciones de dividendos

Actualizaciones con pasos exactos a tomar - COMPRAR, SOSTENER, VENDER

Cada recomendación pasa por 3 capas de análisis intensivo de análisis cuantitativo, fundamental y técnico para maximizar el potencial de ganancias y minimizar el riesgo.

Características del producto:

Portafolio Modelo

Alertas de Intra Day Trade

Acceso a los Quant Ratings

Más de 30 profesionales de la inversión con la piel en el juego le dan ideas prácticas e ideas de inversión.

Características del producto:

Acceso al blog diario de Jim Cramer

Comentarios y noticias intradía

Foros comerciales en tiempo real

Las 5 mejores acciones de dividendos seguros para poseer hoy

El mercado de valores ha demostrado ser la mejor inversión a largo plazo. A pesar de ese hecho, los precios de las acciones pueden ser volátiles en el corto plazo. Más recientemente, la caída del 4% para el S & amp; P 500 ha causado que algunos inversores se pregunten si este es el comienzo de una corrección de mercado.

Para los inversores que quieren evitar la volatilidad del mercado de valores, hay ciertas acciones a poseer. Hoy, presentaré cinco acciones seguras de dividendos que los inversionistas cautelosos deben poseer. Estas existencias seguras ofrecen un rendimiento de dividendos relativamente alto que está muy por encima del promedio de S & P 500, junto con una volatilidad mínima de las acciones.

La mayoría de las acciones en el S & amp; P 500 pagan dividendos, con el índice actualmente rindiendo 1,9%. Los inversores deben buscar acciones de alta calidad con un rendimiento superior y menos volatilidad.

La mejor manera de medir la volatilidad es & # 8220; beta. & # 8221; Una beta de 1 significa que el precio de las acciones se mueve en tándem con el mercado. Y, una beta de menos de 1 sugiere que el stock es menos volátil que el mercado.

Además, recomiendo invertir en empresas que operan en las industrias defensivas. Esto significa invertir en empresas cuyos productos o servicios seguirán siendo de gran demanda independientemente del contexto económico.

¿Usted está mirando para hacer su cartera de inversión más sana por poseer las acciones más seguras del dividendo? Si es así, aquí están mis cinco recomendaciones de stock.

Dividendo seguro # 1: McDonald's (NYSE: MCD)

Cada lista de pago de dividendos debe comenzar con McDonald's. Eso se debe a que la compañía ha incrementado su pago anual de dividendos cada año desde 1976. El historial de 37 años de aumentos consecutivos de dividendos es increíble. Y con un rendimiento de dividendos del 3,3%, McDonald's paga mucho más que el promedio de S & P 500 acciones.

McDonald's es la cadena de comida rápida más grande del mundo, y tiene uno de los más amplios alcances geográficos. Cuenta con más de 34.000 restaurantes distribuidos en casi 120 países. Incluso con su alcance, todavía hay mucho espacio para crecer. El mercado mundial de comidas rápidas y comida informal es un mercado de 1,2 billones de dólares. McDonald's sólo posee cerca del 10% del mercado.

La economía débil ha ayudado a McDonald's, ya que muchos consumidores buscan alimentos baratos. Pero la empresa también funciona bien como la economía se fortalece, ya que los consumidores tienen más dinero para comer.

La diversidad geográfica y la capacidad de McDonald para atraer a los consumidores, independientemente del entorno económico, ayudan a aislarlo de los altibajos del mercado. McDonald's tiene una beta de sólo 0,35.

Dividendo Seguro Stock # 2: General Mills (NYSE: GIS)

El mercado global de alimentos sigue siendo una gran inversión. Es una necesidad básica, y como la población mundial aumenta, la demanda seguirá aumentando. General Mills es una de las mejores maneras de capitalizar la creciente demanda de alimentos. La compañía paga un rendimiento del dividendo del 3,2%. Ha aumentado su dividendo anual en cada año durante los últimos diez años. La beta es un 0,24 notablemente bajo.

La compañía tiene una cartera muy fuerte de marcas. Algunas de sus marcas más populares incluyen Hamburger Helper, Pillsbury, Progresso, Yoplait y cereales Big G. General Mills también está bien posicionada para beneficiarse del aumento de compradores conscientes de la salud. Más de dos tercios de los ingresos de General Mills se derivan de los productos de salud y nutrición.

Los mercados internacionales también son una gran oportunidad de crecimiento para General Mills. En los mercados emergentes y en desarrollo, la competencia es menos intensa. Además, General Mills se beneficia de la expansión de la clase media. La compañía ya tiene una base sólida en los mercados internacionales, obteniendo alrededor de dos tercios de sus ingresos de los mercados internacionales.

Dividendo Seguro Stock # 3: ConAgra Foods (NYSE: CAG)

ConAgra Foods es otro stock de dividendo seguro en la industria alimentaria. Su principal objetivo son los alimentos de marca privada. Con su adquisición de Ralcorp en el 2013, se convirtió en la mayor compañía de alimentos de marca privada en América del Norte. Como consecuencia de su posición dominante, ConAgra ha podido incrementar su pago anual de dividendos en cada uno de los últimos cinco años. La acción ofrece actualmente un rendimiento de dividendo del 3,2%.

El desempeño financiero de la compañía ha sido consistente, ya que sus productos siguen siendo de gran demanda independientemente del contexto económico. Las acciones de ConAgra han superado al S & amp; P 500 en los últimos cinco años, ya que los compradores han estado negociando desde productos de marca hasta productos de marca privada. Lo que es más es que la compañía ha logrado superar al mercado con menos volatilidad. ConAgra tiene una beta baja, con sólo 0,4.

Pero ConAgra también podría demostrar ser una historia de crecimiento ya que más tiendas de comestibles busca expandir sus ganancias mediante la creación de sus propias marcas. Esto incluye los gustos de Target (NYSE: TGT). Que está utilizando los productos alimenticios de ConAgra para construir su marca de tienda llamada Simply Balanced.

Dividendo seguro # 4: Dr. Pepper (NYSE: DPS)

La mayoría de los inversionistas sólo piensan en PepsiCo (NYSE: PEP) y Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) cuando se trata de inversiones en la industria de bebidas. Sin embargo, el Dr. Pepper sigue siendo un jugador importante cuando se trata de bebidas. En realidad, tiene el primer lugar en el mercado de bebidas no carbonatadas sin cola, con una cuota de mercado del 40%.

Dr. Pepper también está haciendo su parte cuando se trata de catering para el consumidor consciente de la salud. Como resultado, ha introducido su marca de baja en calorías TEN y continúa ampliando su oferta en esta área. También posee Snapple y está lanzando el jugo de Mott bajo-azúcar y las bebidas hawaianas del sacador.

Su rendimiento de dividendos es un saludable 3,2%. Con un rendimiento actual que está muy por encima de su promedio de cinco años de 2,6%, los inversores de ingresos deben abrazar a la Dra. Pepper. Beta del Dr. Pepper es también el más bajo de los cinco acciones de dividendos listados, llegando en sólo 0,2. Al mismo tiempo, las acciones de Dr. Pepper han superado a PepsiCo y Coca-Cola en los últimos diez años.

Dividendo Seguro Stock # 5: NextEra Energy (NYSE: NEE)

NextEra Energy es la única empresa en mi lista que no está en el negocio de alimentos. Pero la empresa de servicios públicos ha sido una gran inversión. Las acciones de NextEra han superado el índice S & amp; P 500 por un factor de 2 a 1 en los últimos tres años.

Como el mercado de la vivienda continúa rebotando. Esto debería ayudar a impulsar aún más las empresas de servicios públicos.

Por ejemplo, Florida es un mercado clave para NextEra. La compañía genera más del 70% de los ingresos de Florida Power & amp; Light Company, que provee electricidad a clientes en el este y sur de la Florida. El rebote en el mercado de la vivienda significa que más casas están ocupadas, y eso está ayudando a la empresa a ganar más dinero.

Gracias al hecho de que la electricidad se ha convertido en una necesidad para todos los hogares, NextEra debe funcionar relativamente bien, independientemente de la economía en general. Su beta es sólo 0.3. Y paga un rendimiento del dividendo del 3.1%.

Los inversores no pueden predecir lo que el mercado de valores va a hacer en un año determinado. Ya este año, el S & amp; P 500 ha sido tan bajo como 1,740 y tan alto como cerca de 1,890. Y con el S & amp; P 500 hasta cerca de 150% en los últimos cinco años, es prudente ser cauteloso.

La mejor manera de aislar su cartera de la volatilidad es poseer acciones seguras de dividendos. Estas acciones de dividendos ofrecen rendimientos de dividendos por encima del promedio y son menos volátiles que el mercado más amplio. Con todo, esa es una gran fórmula para construir riqueza a largo plazo.

Ian Wyatt ha encontrado 3 acciones que pagan dividendos tan grandes & # 8212; Usted puede retirarse en ellos. El Wall Street Journal los llama, "mega-dividendos". Estas acciones tienen una historia de aumentar constantemente sus dividendos & # 8230; Trimestre tras trimestre. De hecho, una de estas empresas de efectivo-cranking aumentó su dividendo 10 veces! Por lo tanto, si estos pagos cada vez mayor suena bien para usted ... Haga clic aquí para obtener todos los detalles.

Stocks para comprar

Encontrar el stock adecuado para comprar es una de las partes más difíciles de invertir. En Investorplace, nuestros expertos ayudan a acelerar ese proceso proporcionando información confiable que le ayudará a elegir qué acciones invertir pulg Si el objetivo final es encontrar un ingreso estable o ganar un dinero rápido, nuestro personal proporciona consejos para ayudarle a encontrar un fuerte Acción de dividendo, una acción de centavo con potencial, o, llanura y simple, un buen acción a comprar.

Echa un vistazo a las poblaciones de nuestros expertos elegir como mejor compra en este momento.

En un mercado como este, los rendimientos sólidos y confiables de la gestión de residuos hacen que WM sea una selección de olor dulce. Leer artículo

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Las acciones de Apple (AAPL) podrían subir un enorme 13% desde los mínimos del mes pasado, pero las listas indican que la fiesta acaba de empezar. Leer artículo

Las acciones de Oracle (ORCL) la aplastan el miércoles en Wall Street luego de reportar un trimestre impresionante. Amazon (AMZN) mejor ver su nube! Leer artículo

Usando estas métricas, hemos encontrado 4 acciones ganadoras en industrias fuertes que puedes agregar a tu cartera para ganancias futuras.

Hasta que se convirtió en una práctica común en la última década para ofrecer opciones sobre acciones a un espectro relativamente amplio de empleados, la mayoría de la gente se contenta con recibir opciones de acciones en absoluto. Ahora, más hábil sobre la compensación si lastimado por el descenso del mercado, los empleados más típicamente se preguntan si las opciones que se ofrecen son competitivas con lo que deberían esperar de un empleador en su industria, para un empleado en su posición. A medida que se dispone de más información sobre las prácticas y funciones de las opciones de compra de acciones, los empleados necesitan datos sólidos sobre las prácticas de concesión de opciones sobre acciones. Salary. com ha investigado las tendencias en empresas de alta tecnología durante el boom de las puntocom.

En una startup, no es cuántos; Es lo que el porcentaje En particular, en las empresas de alta tecnología de inicio, es más importante saber qué porcentaje de la empresa de una opción de compra de acciones representa lo que es saber cuántas acciones que obtiene. "No se deje atrapar por los números", & quot; Dijo Keith Fortier, un consultor de compensación con Salary. com. En un inicio, el significado está en los porcentajes. & Quot;

En una empresa que cotiza en bolsa, puede multiplicar el número de opciones multiplicado por el precio actual de la acción, luego sustraer el número de acciones multiplicado por el precio de compra, para obtener una idea rápida de cuánto valen las opciones.

En una empresa más joven - donde las acciones son menos líquidas - es más difícil calcular cuáles son sus opciones valen la pena, aunque es probable que valgan más si la empresa hace bien que las opciones que podría obtener en una empresa que cotiza en bolsa. Si calcula el porcentaje de la empresa que posee, puede crear escenarios para determinar cuánto podrían valer sus acciones a medida que la empresa crece. Es por eso que el porcentaje es una estadística importante.

Para calcular el porcentaje de la empresa que se le ofrece, necesita saber cuántas acciones están pendientes. Un usuario de Salary. com fue capaz de negociar una semana extra de vacaciones porque le preguntó a su posible empleador esta pregunta.

El valor de una empresa - también conocida como su capitalización de mercado, o "capital de mercado" - es el número de acciones en circulación veces el precio por acción. Una compañía de lanzamiento podría ser valorada en $ 2 millones cuando un empleado temprano se une a la firma, pero alcanza un valor de $ 20 o aún $ 200 millones apenas un año o dos más adelante. Sabiendo que hay 20 millones de acciones en circulación hace posible que un ingeniero de fabricación para evaluar si una concesión de contratación de 7.500 opciones es justo.

Algunas empresas tienen un número relativamente grande de acciones en circulación para que puedan dar opciones de subvenciones que suenan bien en términos de números enteros. Pero el candidato experto debe determinar si la subvención es competitiva en términos del porcentaje de la compañía que representan las acciones. Una concesión de 75.000 acciones en una compañía que tiene 200 millones de acciones en circulación es equivalente a una concesión de 7.500 acciones en una compañía idéntica con 20 millones de acciones en circulación.

En el ejemplo anterior, la subvención del ingeniero de fabricación representa el 0,038 por ciento de la empresa. Este porcentaje puede parecer pequeño, pero se traduce en un valor de donación de $ 750 para la acción si la empresa vale $ 2 millones; $ 7,500 si la compañía vale $ 20 millones; Y $ 75,000 si la compañía vale $ 200 millones.

Subsidios anuales versus subsidios de alquiler en empresas de alta tecnología Aunque las opciones sobre acciones pueden utilizarse como incentivos, los tipos más comunes de subvenciones de opciones son subvenciones anuales y subvenciones de alquiler. Una subvención anual se repite cada año hasta que el plan cambia, mientras que una subvención de alquiler es una subvención única. Algunas empresas ofrecen subvenciones de alquiler y subvenciones anuales. Estos planes suelen estar sujetos a un calendario de adjudicación, en el que se otorga a un empleado acciones, pero gana el derecho de propiedad, es decir, el derecho a ejercerlas, con el tiempo.

Las subvenciones anuales recurrentes suelen pagarse a personas de mayor edad, y son más comunes en las empresas establecidas donde el precio de la acción es más nivel.

En las startups, la subvención de alquiler es considerablemente mayor que cualquier subvención anual, y puede ser la única subvención que ofrece la empresa en un primer momento. Cuando una empresa comienza, el riesgo es más alto, y el precio de la acción es más bajo, por lo que las concesiones de opciones son mucho más altas. Con el tiempo, el riesgo disminuye, el precio de las acciones aumenta, y el número de acciones emitidas a nuevos empleados es menor.

Una buena regla general, de acuerdo con Bill Coleman, vicepresidente de compensación en Salary. com, es que cada nivel en la organización debe obtener la mitad de las opciones del nivel superior. Por ejemplo, en una empresa donde el CEO obtiene una subvención de contratación de 400.000 acciones, las concesiones de opciones podrían tener este aspecto.

Regla de oro: cada nivel obtiene la mitad de las acciones del nivel superior.

Numero de veces compartido

Fuente: Salary. com, enero de 2000.

Los cuadros 1 y 2 muestran prácticas recientes de subvenciones entre empresas de alta tecnología que ofrecen subvenciones anuales y subvenciones de alquiler, respectivamente. Los datos, que provienen de encuestas publicadas, se expresan en términos de porcentajes de la empresa. Por ejemplo, las subvenciones también se expresan en términos de número de opciones en una empresa con 20 millones de acciones en circulación. El conjunto de datos incluye a las empresas iniciantes y establecidas, especialmente las empresas justo antes y justo después de una oferta pública inicial.

Cuadro 1. Prácticas anuales de concesión de opciones sobre acciones en la industria de alta tecnología.

Subvenciones anuales como porcentaje de las acciones en circulación

Opciones basadas en 20 millones de acciones en circulación

Ejecutivo superior (2-5)

Fuente: Salary. com, basada en datos compilados a partir de encuestas publicadas a partir de enero de 2000.

Cuadro 2. Becas de compra de acciones en la industria de alta tecnología.

Contratar subvenciones como porcentaje de las acciones en circulación

Opciones basadas en 20 millones de acciones en circulación

Servicios profesionales senior

2º nivel - ingeniería

2º nivel - financiero

2º nivel - marketing

Técnico senior. personal

2º nivel - prof. Svcs

2º nivel - R & D

Assoc. consejero legal

3er nivel - ingeniería

3er nivel - marketing

Gerente de contabilidad - entrada

Técnico exento (senior)

Técnico exento (intermedio)

Técnica exenta (entrada)

Exentos no técnicos (senior)

Exentos no técnicos (intermedios)

Exentos no técnicos (entrada)

Fuente: Salary. com, basada en datos compilados a partir de encuestas publicadas a partir de enero de 2000.

Tenga en cuenta que es raro que una opción de compra de acciones a alguien que no sea un CEO exceda el 1 por ciento. (Los fundadores suelen retener un porcentaje significativamente mayor de la empresa, pero sus acciones no están incluidas en los datos). Para tomar un ejemplo extremo, si a 100 empleados se les concedía un promedio del 1 por ciento de la empresa cada uno, no quedaría nada alguien mas.

Porcentajes de propiedad en un evento de liquidez Como una empresa se prepara para una oferta pública inicial, una fusión, o algún otro evento de liquidez (un momento financiero en el que los accionistas son capaces de vender o liquidar sus acciones), la estructura de propiedad típicamente cambia algo. En una OPI, por ejemplo, los altos ejecutivos de alto perfil suelen ser llevados a proporcionar credibilidad adicional y visión de la gestión.

Wall Street, los banqueros de inversión y la comunidad financiera como un todo mirar al equipo de gestión al evaluar una oportunidad de inversión, & quot; Dijo Coleman. Los empleados que han estado allí desde el principio a veces se sorprenden al ver un gran número de opciones que se dan cerca de la salida a bolsa, pero deben esperar. A pesar de que diluye su propiedad, se hace para aumentar el valor de la empresa al atraer al más alto calibre de los altos directivos y, por tanto, mejorar el potencial de la inversión.

Las personas que diseñan planes de opciones de acciones anticipan eventos de liquidez al reservar grandes reservas de opciones para estas contrataciones de última etapa. Como resultado, la estructura de propiedad de una empresa de alta tecnología en un evento de liquidez se parece a la del Cuadro 3. Nuevamente, los números se expresan tanto en porcentaje de acciones en circulación como en número de acciones de una compañía con 20 millones de acciones en circulación. Los datos provienen de encuestas publicadas y de análisis de solicitudes S-1.

Tabla 3. Niveles de propiedad en un evento de liquidez en la industria de alta tecnología.

Niveles de propiedad como porcentaje de acciones en circulación

Propiedad basada en 20 millones de acciones en circulación

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Las 5 mejores maneras de invertir en oro

Un pasaje de Demise of the Dollar ... y por qué es grande para sus inversiones

La última inversión en cobertura del dólar siempre será oro. La inversión en oro a través de la propiedad del metal en sí, los fondos mutuos, o las existencias de minería de oro ofrece el contador más directo al dólar. A medida que el dólar cae, el oro inevitablemente aumentará. En un momento, le proporcionaremos muchas maneras de posicionar su cartera para beneficiarse de un mercado alcista en oro. Por ahora, enfatizamos la alta probabilidad de futuro de oro. El verdadero potencial de ganancias en los próximos años y décadas no se encontrará en la tradicional industria americana de chips. Es un dinosaurio financiero que ya no puede competir en el mercado mundial.

El crecimiento futuro va a ser visto en oro. La economía mundial puede permanecer fuera del patrón oro, pero en última instancia, el valor tangible del oro como base para el valor real, ya sea reconocido por los bancos centrales o no, nunca cambiará. Históricamente, esto siempre ha sido el caso, y siempre lo será. En otras palabras, estamos en un estándar de oro & # 82221; A pesar de la popularidad del fiat.

En los siguientes párrafos, descubrirás cinco maneras de invertir en oro. Basado en su nivel de experiencia en el mercado y familiaridad con los productos, uno de estos será apropiado para usted.

1. Propiedad directa. No hay nada como lingotes de oro, la máxima expresión de valor puro. Históricamente, muchas civilizaciones han reconocido la permanencia del valor del oro. Por ejemplo, las civilizaciones egipcias enterraron grandes cantidades de oro con faraones fallecidos en la creencia de que serían capaces de usarlo en la vida futura. Grandes guerras se libraron, entre otras razones, para saquear las reservas de oro. ¿Por qué el atractivo? La respuesta: El oro es el único dinero real, y su valor no puede ser cambiado ni controlado por el gobierno fiat-la razón subyacente de los gobiernos para ir fuera del patrón de oro, desafortunadamente. El valor de oro se levantará basado en las fuerzas puras de La oferta y la demanda, sin importar lo que el Sr. Greenspan decrete sobre las tasas de interés o los billetes en circulación. La gran desventaja de poseer oro es que tiende a comerciar con una amplia difusión entre los precios de oferta y demanda. Así que don & # 8217; t espera a su vez un beneficio rápido. Comprarás en venta al por menor y venderás al por mayor, así que necesitarás un gran salto de precios para romper el precio. Sin embargo, no debe ver el oro como un activo especulativo, sino como un activo defensivo para mantener el valor. Dado que sus dólares van a caer en valor, el oro es el mejor lugar para preservar el valor. Las mejores formas para la propiedad de oro son a través de monedas acuñadas: una onza de Sudáfrica Krugerrands, Canadian Maple Leafs, o American Eagles.

2. Fondos de intercambio de oro. La reciente explosión de los fondos negociados en bolsa (ETFs) presenta una forma aún más interesante de invertir en oro. Un ETF es un tipo de fondo mutuo que cotiza en una bolsa de valores como un stock ordinario. La cartera exacta de la ETF se fija por adelantado y no cambia. Por lo tanto, los dos ETFs de oro que comercian en los Estados Unidos mantienen el lingote de oro como su único activo. Puede localizar estos dos ETF bajo el símbolo GLD & # 8221; (Para el streetTRACKS Gold Trust) y & # 8220; IAU & # 8221; (Para el iShares COMEX Gold Trust). O bien el ETF ofrece una forma práctica de mantener el oro en una cartera de inversiones.

3. Fondos mutuos de oro. Para las personas que dudan en invertir en oro físico, pero todavía desean alguna exposición al metal precioso, los fondos mutuos de oro proporcionan una alternativa útil. Estos fondos tienen carteras de acciones de oro, es decir, las acciones de compañías como Newmont Mining que la mina de oro. Newmont es un ejemplo de una acción de oro mayor. Un senior es una empresa grande y bien capitalizada que lleva varios años y tiene un historial rentable. Tienden a poseer minas establecidas que producen cantidades conocidas de oro cada año. Para muchos inversores, la selección de una empresa de este tipo es un juego más moderado o conservador (en lugar de recoger acciones baratas en empresas bastante jóvenes).

4. Acciones de oro junior. Este nivel de stock es más especulativo. Las acciones junior tienen menos probabilidades de poseer minas productivas, y pueden ser juegos de exploración, con mayores ganancias potenciales pero también con mayor riesgo de pérdida. Es probable que la capitalización sea menor que la capitalización de las acciones de oro mayores. Esta gama de inversiones es para inversores cuya tolerancia al riesgo es más amplia y que aceptan la posibilidad de pérdidas basadas en el oro a cambio del potencial de ganancias de tres dígitos.

5. Opciones de oro y futuros. Para el inversionista más sofisticado y experimentado, las opciones le permiten especular en los precios del oro. Pero en el mercado de opciones, puede especular sobre los movimientos de precios en cualquier dirección. Si compras una llamada, esperas que suban los precios. Una llamada fija el precio de compra, por lo que cuanto mayor sea el precio, mayor será el margen entre el precio de su opción fija y el precio actual del mercado. Cuando usted compra un puesto, usted espera que el precio caiga. Opciones de compra es arriesgado, y más personas pierden que ganan. De hecho, alrededor de tres cuartas partes de todas las opciones compradas expiran sin valor. El mercado de opciones es complejo y requiere experiencia y comprensión. Para generalizar, las opciones poseen dos rasgos clave: uno malo y otro bueno. El rasgo bueno es que permiten a un inversionista controlar una inversión grande con una cantidad pequeña, y limitada, de dinero. The bad trait is that options expire within a fixed period of time. Thus, for the buyer time is the enemy because as the expiration date gets closer, an option’s “time value” disappears. Anyone investing in options needs to understand all of the risks before they spend money. The futures market is far too complex for the vast majority of investors. Even experienced options investors recognize the high risk nature of the futures market. Considering the range of ways to get into the gold market, futures trading is the most complex and, while big fortunes could be made, they can also be lost in an instant.

We cannot know, predict, or even guess, when the demise of the dollar is going to occur, or how quickly it will take place. But we do know it is going to occur. The tragic mismanagement of monetary policy by the Fed over many years has made this inevitable.

Removing the U. S. monetary system from the gold standard was not merely a decision of short-term effect. Nixon may have seen the move as a means for solving current economic problems, but it had long-lasting impacts: trade deficits, growing federal debt, and the ability to print money endlessly and build a new credit-based economy. Internationally, the decision by the United States virtually forced all other major currencies to also go off the gold standard.

Any investor who views the economic situation broadly-both domestically and internationally-can see that trouble lies ahead. We have delayed the inevitable because China is a partner in our monetary woes.

The Chinese are building their own debt on the dubious foundation of the U. S. dollar, and other Asian economies have been forced to go along for the ride. When the dollar falls, many other countries will suffer as well. The offset, logically, is found in commodities. Investing in oil stocks makes sense, for example, because the price of oil is rising and as it becomes more difficult to drill oil those companies that own drilling and exploration operations will benefit. It makes sense to invest in other commodities as well.

The tangible asset play is clearly where future value is going to lie. With China’s never-ending need for coal, iron ore, tungsten, copper, oil, and other metals, the future of tangible markets is the bright spot in the gloomy financially based economics of the world.

Leading the charge is gold. It is ironic that monetary policy follows a predictable pattern.

Governments overprint money and their currency crashes. Inevitably, they always return to gold, but often at great expense and with considerable suffering. We find ourselves in another one of those moments in time where irresponsible monetary policy has put us at risk. But we don’t have to simply hold on and wait for the demise of the dollar; we can take action now because that demise is great for your portfolio-if you position yourself in tangible assets rather than in empty fiat promises and the bizarre economic premise of U. S. monetary policy.

Goods and services can be paid for only with goods and services. Currency is nothing but an IOU, a promissory note that is not backed up with any tangible value. Once we reach our national credit limit, monetary policy will be forced to retreat. When that happens, traditional investors and their savings accounts are going to be hit hard. The beneficiary of the falling dollar will be the investor whose holdings emphasize tangible value of goods: resources and precious metals.

Every danger to one group of people is invariably an opportunity to another. It all depends on where you position yourself. Those investors positioned in dollar-based investments are going to suffer the loss of purchasing power when the dollar’s value disappears. Those who have moved their investments to higher ground will benefit from the change.

Addison Wiggin For The Daily Reckoning July 20, 2007

PD Each day in The Daily Reckoning . we offer readers a wide variety of investment opportunities that are specifically designed to keep their money in this “higher ground” & # 8212; safe from the potential pitfalls and downturns in the markets. Best of all, signing up is completely free and you can cancel at any time. It’s one of the easiest and safest things you can do to start making your money work for you. So take a moment and sign up for free, right here.

The 5 Most popular Binary Option Brokers for 2014

Trading Technique in Binary Options

There is a big difference between online binary trading market and stock trading. Traders can use broker's platform to trade currency pairs, commodity, and stock. Binary options has turned out to be one of the leading forms of trading as traders are offered with opportunities to make money quick. Stocks tracings are done via exchanges and executed by market makers of well-established banks. All kinds of brokerage firms can be found across the globe allowing traders to access markets 24/day, 5days/week. It's available for the financial network which makes a huge amount of money daily in average turnover.

Options trading involves trading of currency pair or forex. EUR/ USD often offers more profitability for the Foreign Exchange Market. If you purchase EUR/USD pair, then it means you purchase Eurodollar and sell USD simultaneously.

In any kind of market, traders cannot avoid taking risks. There are a number of reasons why traders lose their investment. If you are not practicing risk management correctly, or being lazy about gathering important information, you are increasing the possibility to lose. You need to have enough knowledge on the market trend and develop your own approach with relevant strategies.

You can learn about strategies with a wide variety of articles and news available, and you will be able to find the best suited approaches for your trades as you get more and more experiences. When it comes to foreign exchange, traders need to have the ability to make a good determination and discipline. The binary market requires a good knowledge on strategies which consist of combinations and indicators. The indicators and analyzation are the best tools to read the trends.

The binary options market has a deep relationship with how the human mind works. It is interesting to learn and understand the flow of supply and demand via numerous kinds of tools that are provided. Every trade market has its distinguished characteristics. Thus, if you study briefly about how the human mind would react to certain situations, and what factors influence the markets, you will have more chance to make money on your trades. Remember, 95% of traders' feelings are controlled by the daily market.

Trading binary options can be very lucrative and often favored more by traders compared to other types of financial tools including commodities, bonds and stocks. When trading, any kind of market comes with risks, and binary options market is no exception, except the fact that binary trading is less risky since it only requires a very simple decision making, a call or a put. We strongly recommend that you start using binary options only after you have enough knowledge and understand all the terms utilized in binary options, which can be done here on OptionBinary. net where you can find a great volume of articles and useful resources.

If you are attracted to an idea of making money from home and starting a new trading pursuit which can provide you with a chance to earn additional income, then binary options trading can fulfill your needs.


5 Great Games for Learning Stock Market Strategy

By Sarah Kessler 2010-10-22 09:15:37 UTC

The power of hands-on learning is indisputable. But when it comes to investing your money in the stock market, however, making a beginner's mistake can cost you more than just your self-esteem. Thankfully, the web makes it easy to practice with virtual money.

There are a multitude of online investment games like Investopedia and gnuTrade that play with virtual money, but not all of them are easy for beginners. Here are five of the best free (because you shouldn't have to spend real money to play with fake money) online games for getting your feet wet.

1. Wall Street Survivor

Invest $100,000 in virtual cash via drop-down menu choices. A friendly cartoon version of stock guru Mark Brookshire helps you make your final decision by providing some rating numbers when you input a stock. These include a rating for survivor sentiment, fundamentals, technical and a Motley Fool Rating.

For additional help choosing stocks, the site has an impressive resource library that spans beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. Start with Investing 101 and consider taking advantage of the community forums if you have specific questions. Those who need a little help getting started can also choose to adapt one of the preset portfolios created by proven traders.

While the $100,000 competition is most popular, anybody on the site can create a contest. Prizes vary, but most often consist of competitive pride.

2. HowTheMarketWorks

Owned by the same company as Wall Street Survivor . this game is great for investors looking to gain experience with a new type of portfolio. In addition to stocks and indexes, there are options to experiment with Forex portfolios, penny stocks, mutual funds and short selling.

Beginners can execute market order-based trades in a "fun mode" without worrying about things like set hours, maximum number of trades per day, per stock and order expiration. A "realistic mode" amps up the complexity after they've mastered the beginner level.

Players can manage up to three stock portfolios and three Forex portfolios on the site at once. For each portfolio, they select a starting value between $100 and $500,000 and set how much virtual commission you are charged per trade.

The competition aspect is optional. General monthly contests give each player $25,000 as a virtual starting point. Other public contests include challenging restrictions like "short sells only" or "penny stocks only." Users can create their own password-protected games as well, which is a feature that teachers find helpful for creating class competitions.

3. Young Money Stock Market Game

Young Money Magazine's stock exchange game is easy to learn but also fairly realistic, which is a hard balance to strike.

Realistic aspects include a virtual commission that's taken out of each trade, adhering to market hours and rules about how you can invest. Unlike many investing games, trades are made at a real-time price. Learning aspects include convenient help icons on key terms and an intuitive tabbed interface.

The site runs a monthly contest with a $100 (real) cash prize that goes to whoever gained the highest percentage. Players can also create their own contests or join other user-made contests.

4. MarketWatch Fantasy Earnings Trader Game

MarketWatch will run this mock stock market contest for a total of four weeks, awarding the winner of each week with an iPad. It's on week three right now, but there's still time to get in on the competition for week four.

You must have your selections picked before the week starts on Monday. The shares that you select are "purchased" at Monday's open and will "sell" automatically at Friday's close.

The catch is that all players can only use the 15 to 20 symbols selected for each week. The companies are selected by the game owner for companies that are projecting their earnings during each week. Lining up picks is easy — players simply drag the company's logo to their trading card and designate if they want to sell short or go long.

Although there are some pros playing, this game is especially manageable for beginners due to the limited stock options for each week.

5. UpDown

Like Young Money's game, UpDown has helpful icons that explain key terms for beginners. More comprehensive resources in the education center mercifully cover even the most basic of investing concepts.

Community features, like the opportunity to collaborate with a group and to see the most-bought and most-sold stocks, are also helpful for beginners. The "watch list" tool provides a convenient dashboard for monitoring potential picks.

UpDown sponsors a monthly contest that rewards players who beat the market with real cash.

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Descripción del producto

Receive FULL 5-month Subscriptions to the Four Best Performing Investment Newsletters (Annual Cost $583) for only $69. These four market letters are each rated among the top five best performing advisors according to a leading service that regularly tracks the performance of several hundred investment advisory publications. Find out which stocks, ETFs and mutual funds these best performing advisors are currently recommending - and why. Let them advise you when to buy and then when to sell the investments they recommend. Here’s how to get current advice from these best performing advisors.

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What Are the Best Stocks for Covered Calls?

5 Criteria for Successful Call Writing Stock Selection

What are the best stocks for covered calls? This is an important question whether you're writing covered call options for the income or as part of a longer term Leveraged Investing approach.

Although writing covered calls is a relatively simple and conservative option strategy. there are still a number of factors that contribute to how successful you're going to be as a call writer.

One of those factors, of course, is stock selection. So how do you go about finding the best stocks for covered calls?

What follows are what I consider to be the five most important criteria for call writing stock selection:

Quality Companies

Choose high quality companies when looking for the best stocks for covered calls.

I admit that I'm a bit of a broken record about this one, especially when it comes to long term investing. but quality stock selection is also critical when it comes to trading covered calls.

It's so easy to be tempted by juicy premiums on less than ideal companies, but if premium is the only criteria you consider, it won't be long before you really get burned. Covered calls do provide some downside protection, but if the bottom drops out of a stock, you're going to realize just how paltry that protection was.

True, when you sell calls for income, stock ownership is temporary and incidental. But even though you're not a long term investor, ownership is still ownership. And in the short term, even temporary ownership of a mediocre company at just the wrong time, can lead to some serious pain.

The old adage of writing covered calls only on stocks you don't mind owning has a lot of merit to it. If the underlying stock makes a significant move to the downside, you always have the choice of trying some form of rolling out as you wait for the stock to come back. All else being equal, the higher the quality of the company, the more credible that choice becomes.

Technical Analysis and Covered Calls

Technical analysis is probably as much art as it is science, but it's still a critical tool in the search for the best stocks for covered calls. When considering a stock to write calls on, use your favorite stock charting software (or check out the free charts at StockCharts ) and consider various short, intermediate, and longer term time frames.

Are you able to see clearly identifiable areas of support and resistance? The easier the chart is to read, the more predictable the stock's price movements are likely to be in the future.

In contrast, a stock is probably not suitable for covered call writing if the share price is erratic, or if it frequently violates major moving averages like the 50-day and the 200-day, or if support and resistance are either unclear or inconsistent.

Volatility, Premium, and the Best Stocks for Covered Calls

Related to the previous points about technical analysis, the best stocks for covered calls will have enough implied volatility to provide attractive premiums without being so volatile that the future share price is essentially unpredictable.

For long term investors in high quality companies, volatility is not risk. For traders (including call writers), volatility is both risk and opportunity.

But it's a fine line. As a net option seller. you get paid to assume someone else's risk. For covered call writers, the risk you assume is stock ownership on someone else's behalf while they retain most, if not all, of the short term potential price appreciation

Just be sure that you don't assume too much risk in order to reach your option income targets.


It's important that the options market on any given stock you're considering as a covered call candidate be sufficiently liquid.

If the options are too illiquid (i. e. very few contracts are traded), your trades will suffer. Not only will the bid-ask spread be too wide for good pricing (whether you're selling a call or buying it back) but if you ever need to adjust or roll a position, the limited number of strike prices and expiration months available will really constrict your choices.

No or Minimum Dividends

Dividends don't get mentioned much when it comes to covered call writing, except in discussions about whether a call might be exercised early. But you should be aware that dividends do play a role in call option pricing.

In theory, on the day a company pays a dividend. the stock should trade lower by the amount of the dividend because that money is no longer owned or controlled by the company.

For example, let's say that the XYZ Zipper Company paid a $0.50/share dividend on June 1. All else being equal, on June 1st, the company's overall worth should decrease by $0.50/share since that's the amount that just walked out the door.

Obviously, it's the supply and demand of buyers and sellers that ultimately determine the share price, but that dividend payout is still a short term headwind against the stock.

Net result? The premium you receive from selling the call will be reduced roughly by the amount of the dividend for expiration months that include the dividend distribution date .

The takaway is this: the higher the dividend payout, the more of a drag that dividend will be on the premium income you'll receive selling calls. Your best bet for finding the best stocks for covered calls is to limit your selection to those stocks that pay zero or small dividends, or else make sure you time the dividend cycle so that you have no short call positions at distribution.

Resources for Call Writers

Born To Sell (Option Trading) - Buy Stocks - Sell Calls - Earn Income

Leveraged Investing (Option Investing) - Use options to continually reduce your cost basis and accelerate your investments

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How to Trade Facebook Stock Options

David Paul Morris | Bloomberg | imágenes falsas

Like Facebook shares, but can't get near them? There are always options.

Asi que. You like Facebook shares. Get in line. It’s next to impossible for individual investors to obtain shares at the initial offering price, so if you really want in on the stock you need to think about alternatives. You could invest in another social network, or a basket of technology stocks — or wade into stock options.

Options on the stock could be available within days of the Facebook IPO. That’s a good thing if you have strong convictions about the company’s direction — and a strong enough stomach for the options market. But options are not for amateurs or the faint of heart, and it’s a good idea to stop and consider before you jump into these instruments.

“The hype surrounding this IPO is rarely seen,” says Edward Reinhart, managing partner at Capital Advisors Wealth Management. “I hope individual investors take a deep breath and step back while the steam escapes a bit. My fear is many retail investors will dive head-first, rather than test the waters.”

If you decide you’re still interested in Facebook options, here are the details.

Options on newly issued stocks can start trading when they meet standards set by the options exchanges. At the CBOE, for example, a spokeswoman outlines the rules as follows:

· Minimum of 7,000,000 shares of the underlying security must be owned by people other than officers, directors and shareholders with more than 10 percent of the stock.

· Minimum of 2,000 stockholders

· Trading volume has been at least 2,400,000 shares in the preceding 12 months — i. e. it needs to reach cumulative trading volume of 2,400,000. If they hit that volume level in a day, or two, or three, that would qualify.

· Market price per share has been at least $3.00 for the previous five consecutive business days preceding the date on which a certificate is submitted to the Options Clearing Corporation for listing and trading.

Facebook shares seem to be on track to meet these standards pretty quickly, given the feverish interest in the offering and the current tentative pricing. In fact, a spokeswoman for the CBOE says that "if everything goes as planned, CBOE and C2 could open as early as May 29." And unlike stocks, options can be traded on multiple exchanges, which should boost their availability.

The next question, then, is how you should trade Facebook options .

Andrew Stoltmann, a Chicago-based securities lawyer, expresses wariness of option trading for individual investors, describing it as “a little bit like Russian roulette.” But certain strategies are less risky than others, he adds.

“If someone wants to do a covered call strategy, fantastic. But with naked options, the risk increases exponentially,” he says.

(Translation: if you own Facebook shares and you sell calls on them — presumably because you think the stock will be flat for a while and then rise - you are protecting yourself on the downside but limiting your potential to profit if the stock rises before the call options expire. But if you just buy or sell Facebook options without owning the stock, that’s a much more risky proposition because your potential losses are much greater.)

Michael Pachter, a research analyst at Wedbush Securities, offers another potential approach. Pachter argues that one reason Facebook is going public now is to enable longtime investors to cash out before the end of the year, when capital gains rates could increase – possibly substantially. So Pachter thinks options might be a way to trade on potential selling pressure when the lockup period for those investors comes to an end.

“I’m really curious to see how the options price" after the unlock, he says. “There should be a lot of selling pressure. Your tax rate is going up ten percentage points.”

A long shot? Quizás. But Pachter believes he has supporting evidence: “Look at Eduardo Saverin ,” he says. Saverin, you may recall, is a Facebook co-founder who recently renounced his U. S. citizenship and now resides in Singapore, where there is no capital gains tax.

Top 5 options subscription/alert services

hi all, Newbie here and im sure this has been posted before but any recommendation on top 2 or 3 affordable options subscriptions sites which are worthwhile

I usually trade futures - the ES and gold/oil but would like to get some options recommendations on related ETFs (or even stocks in a swing trading style i. e hold for 2 - 30 days)

anyone who is in the same position as me (trading not more than 20k) and will share their info with me via email too is greatly appreciated.

Jan 13, 2011, 7:56am

Joined Apr 2008

Re: Top 5 options subscription/alert services

Hello Jokertrader A few days ago, I subscribed to RedOption as trial when I funded thinkorswim acct. They are sending mails and trade updates. What I liked them most was their proposed trades are complex strategies such as condors and collars. One such trade (although it went sour afterwards) was sell 1285 call/buy 1286 call on sp500 future. You can at least give a try. Regards Etem

Jan 17, 2011, 3:12pm

Joined Jan 2011

Re: Top 5 options subscription/alert services

You could give the Motely Fool Option service or Schaeffers Investment Research a try. I think both are reasonably priced.

__________________ Never Satisfied

Posts Tagged ‘Weekly Options’

Friday, March 11th, 2016

Lots of people like GM. It is one of the most popular stocks in some of the largest mutual funds in America. Investors seem to like the 5.2% dividend it pays. Today I will show you how you could make 8 times that much with an options bet that will net 45% even if the stock doesn’t go up by a penny.

How to make 45% with a Safe Bet on GM

First, an update on my last 3 trade recommendations. Five weeks ago, I suggested a trade that would make 66% after commissions if Facebook (FB) closed at any price above $97.50 on March 18, 2016. FB is now trading above $106 and that looks like a sure winner when it closes out a week from today.

A little over 3 weeks ago I suggested a similar trade on Costco (COST) when it was trading at $147.20. This one would make 40% after commissions if COST finishes at any price above $145 next Friday (March 18th). It is now trading near $152. This one also looks like a sure winner.

The third suggestion was made two weeks ago, and it involved Nike (NKE) which according to both the Nasdaq and EarningsWhispers. com would announce earnings on March 17, just before the Mar-16 options expired. Now it appears that my sources were both wrong. The announcement (still unconfirmed) will probably not take place until the following week. We had expected that our long calls would benefit from rising expectations before the announcement, but we should have bought calls with a week of additional life to take advantage of that possibility. Even worse, the stock has fallen about $3 since we placed the spread, and it looks like it will end up being a loss unless the stock rallies strongly next week.

Today, I am suggesting a play on General Motors (GM). There is a lot to like about GM. For the second year in a row, Barron’s ranked it as one of its five favorite stocks for the coming year. Their 2015 prognosis was not a good one as the stock fell from about $35 to $30 in 2015 in spite of 5% higher sales and earnings. Barron’s second try seems to be more likely to work out.

In its January earnings announcement, GM exceeded expectations all around, authorized a new $5.5 billion buyback, and raised guidance. The market hardly budged, apparently worried about GM’s Chinese sales (which had gained 12% in 2015) and some concerns about price cutting from rivals.

The company sells at a P/E ratio of only 5.2 and pays a well-covered dividend of 5.2%. There are very few other companies out there selling so low with such a dividend.

Kevin O’Leary, “Mr. Wonderful” of Shark Tank, in a recent AARP interview, said that his mother told him never to buy a stock that didn’t pay a dividend, and that over the past 40 years, 71% of the returns on the S&P came from dividends, not capital appreciation. Dividends are clearly important these days, mostly because they usually provide a solid floor for the stock price. When the overall market fell in the first few weeks of 2015, GM edged briefly down to the $28 level, and quickly recovered back above $30 where it stands now.

A recent Seeking Alpha article makes a compelling case that GM could double in value over the next 4 years – General Motors: Multiple Catalysts Should Double Your Money By 2020. One the biggest reasons the author cited was GM’s fast-growing finance arm which has so far not contributed anything to its parent’s coffers, but which could be soon passing on $1 billion a year or so.

I am not convinced that GM is destined to move significantly higher over the next few years, but I am comfortable believing that the combination of a high dividend rate, low P/E, a large buyback program, stable sales, and the finance arm possibility suggest that the stock is quite unlikely to fall very much from its current level.

I am suggesting a bet that GM will be at least $28 when the Jan-17 options expire on January 20, 2017. If that is true, this spread would make 45% on your money after commissions. That means it could fall about 8% from where it is now ($30.50), and the same 40% gain would result.

In the same AARP article, the Sharks recommended that you should expect to make 4% to 6% on your money each year over time. It seems to me that it makes sense to put some of your money, at least a small portion, in something that could make many times that much if the risk level is reasonable.

I made this trade in my personal account yesterday to confirm that this price was available:

Buy To Open 10 GM Jan-17 25 puts (GM170120P25) Sell To Open 10 GM Jan-17 28 puts (GM170120P28) for a credit of $.98 (selling a vertical)

I collected $980 less the $25 commission, or $955 (of course, you could sell a single spread and take only 1/10th the risk). My maximum loss and net investment is $2145. This works out to be a 45% gain if the stock closes at any price above $28. I will make a gain at any price above $27.05. When the Jan-17 expiration date comes along, I will not have to do anything. If the stock is at any price above $28, both the long and short put will expire worthless and I will be able to keep the $955 I collected at the beginning. It feels like a safe investment to me, and a whole lot better than the 5.2% dividend they are paying.

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

Way back when Google (GOOGL) went public at $80 a share, I decided that I would like to own 100 shares and hang on to it for the long run. Obviously, that was a good idea as the stock is trading today at $716. My $8000 investment would now be worth $144,000 (the stock had a 2-for-1 split in November 2014) if I had been able to keep my original shares. Unfortunately, over the years, an options opportunity inevitably came along that looked more attractive to me than my 100 shares of GOOGL, and I sold my shares to take advantage of the opportunity.

Many times my investment account had compiled a little spare cash, and I went back into the market and bought more shares of GOOGL, always paying a little more to buy it back. At some point it felt like I just had too much money tied up in it. An $8000 commitment is one thing, but $144,000 is a major commitment.

Today I would like to share how I own the equivalent of 100 shares of GOOGL for an investment of less than $15,000, and the neat thing about my investment is that I get expect to get a “dividend” in the next month of about $1700 if the stock just sits there and doesn’t go anywhere.

I own options, of course. Here are two ways you can play it if you like Google.

How to Own 100 Shares of Google (Worth $71,600) for $15,000 or Make 12% a Month With Options:

You would have to shell out about $71,600 today to buy 100 shares of GOOGL stock. If you bought it on margin, you might have to come up with about half that amount, $35,800, but you have to shell out interest on the margin loan each month. I like money coming in, not going out.

Last week we talked about the Greek measure delta. Esto es simple el número equivalente de acciones de la acción que tiene una opción. I own GOOGL 700 calls that expire on the third Friday of January 2017. You could buy one today for $8360. I own 2 of them for a cost of about $16,800

The delta for these Jan-17 700 calls is 60. That means if the stock goes up by a dollar, the value of each of my options will go up by $60. With these 2 options I own the equivalent of 120 shares of stock.

Since all options decline a little bit every day that the stock stays flat (it is called decay), simply owning options is just about as bad as paying margin interest on a stock loan. As I said earlier, I like money coming in rather than going out.

Over the course of the next ten months, the 700 call option will fall in value and end up being worth $1,600 if GOOGL is flat (trading at $716). That works out to an average monthly decay of $666 for each call I own.

One of the things I could do with these calls would be to cover this decay amount by selling two Apr2-16 750 calls for $700 each. The delta on these calls is 26. That means I would own the equivalent of 68 shares of stock worth $48,688 yet I only would have shelled out $16,800 less $1400, or $15,400. In other words, my option investment would cost less than 1/3 of what buying the stock would cost and I would not be paying any interest. Of course, it would take a little work on my part. In one month, if the stock were selling at less than $750, the calls I had sold would expire worthless and I would have to sell more one-month-out calls for at least $666 to cover the average monthly decay of the Jan-17 700 calls I had purchased. It will probably be at a different strike than 750, depending on what the new stock price was at the time.

If the stock were to rise above $750 in one month (I would be delighted because I would make a gain of about $2300 for the month – 68x$34), I would have to buy back the Apr2-16 750 calls just before they expired and sell May2-16 calls at a higher strike price, making sure I collected enough to cover the cost of buying back the Apr2-16 750 calls and the $666 each call will fall on average each month.

Instead of simply using options to own stock with only 1/3 of what it would cost to buy the stock, I chose a different way of trading. Most of the time, I would participate in the higher stock price, but I will make a nice gain every month even if the stock stays flat. Since I own 2 call options at a lower strike price than the market price I am entitled to use them as collateral to sell someone else the opportunity to buy shares of GOOGL. I sold one Apr2-16 725 call, collecting $15.40 ($1540) at today’s price. This option will expire in 30 days (April 8). If the stock is at any price less than $725, this call will expire worthless and I will get to keep the entire $1540.

This Apr2-16 725 call option that I sold carries a delta of 46, making my net option value (120-46) 74 deltas (the equivalent of 74 shares of stock). I also sold a second Apr2-16 call, this one at the 735 strike price, collecting $1150. This call has a delta of 39, giving me a 35 net delta value (60+60-46-39). I won’t own the equivalent of 120 shares of stock that I would have if I hadn’t sold calls against my Jan-17 calls, but I could possibly make even greater gains from option decay.

I now own the equivalent of 35 shares of GOOGL at a cost of $16,800 less the $2690 I collected from selling the two calls, or $14,110.

The neat thing about my option positions is that if the stock doesn’t go up (as I hope it will), my disappointment will be soothed a bit because I will gain about $1700 over the next month. Here is the risk profile graph for my positions:

GOOG Risk Profile Graph March 2016

The P/L Day column in the lower right-hand corner shows what the gain or loss will be at the price in the first column on the left. It shows that when the Apr2-16 calls expire on April 8, my positions will have a $1,742 gain in value (12% for the month on my investment of $14,110). If the stock were to gain just a little, I could make as much as $3000. If it went up 5% (about $35) I would make about the same amount as if it remained unchanged.

While a possible 12% gain every month sounds a little too good to be true, if you do it right, the actual gain would be greater. For the first few months, the Jan-17 700 calls I bought will decay less than the average $666 monthly amount. Theta (decay for a single day) is $12, or about $360 for the first month. For the last month just before it expires, the Jan-17 700 calls would decay about $1250. The best way to play this strategy would be to put some money back in (using cash you have taken out every month) when there is about 3 or 4 remaining months to the Jan-17 calls and sell those calls and replace them with calls expiring at a more distant-out month, such as July 2017 or January 2018.

There are disadvantages to owing the options I do rather than the stock. The biggest problem comes when the stock fluctuates by large numbers in either direction. If the stock falls 5% ($36), my options would lose about $2196. If I owned 68 shares of stock, I would lose $2448, about 11% more than the options loss. However, if the stock were to tumble significantly more than 5% in one month, the option loss would be considerably greater than the loss of share value. If the stock goes up by 5% in the next month, I would gain $2448 if I owned 68 shares of stock, and only $1884 with the options, or about $564 (23%) less than the stock would have gained. Using options rather than stock, I give up a little potential gain if the stock picks up 5% in one month but make a much greater gain if the stock is flat or moves moderately higher.

The major advantage to my options positions comes when the stock fluctuates well less than 5% in a month. As we showed earlier, an absolutely flat stock will result in a 12% gain while owning the stock would not make a penny.

I have just outlined two possible ways that you can invest in a company you like with options rather than buying the stock. One strategy allows you to have the equivalent of owning stock while having to come up with only one-third of the cash. A second strategy is designed to make about 12% in every month when the stock is flat or rises moderately. Either way seems smarter to me than just buying the stock.

Friday, February 19th, 2016

Make 40% in One Month With This Costco Trade

Two weeks ago, LinkedIn (LNKD) issued poor guidance while at the same time announced higher than expected earnings. Investors clobbered the stock, focusing on the guidance rather than the earnings. At the same time, as is often the case, another company in the same industry, Facebook (FB) was also traded down. With FB falling to $98, I reported to you on a trade that would make 66% after commissions if the company closed at any price above $97.50 on March 18, 2016. FB has now recovered and is well over $104 and this spread looks like it will be a winner. All we have to do is wait out the remaining 4 weeks (no closing trade will be necessary as long as the stock is at any price above $97.50).

Hoy, algo similar ocurrió. Walmart (WMT) announced earnings which narrowly beat estimates, but missed top line revenue by a bit. Sin embargo, proyectaron que las ganancias trimestrales siguientes (comenzando ahora) serían planas. This announcement was a big disappointment because they had earlier projected growth of 3% – 4%. The stock fell 4.5% on that news.

Costco (COST) is also a retailer, and many investors believe that as Walmart goes, so will Costco. They sold COST down on WMT’s news by the same percentage, 4.5%. This how the lemmings do it, time and time again.

Eso parecía ser una reacción excesiva para mí. COST is a much different company than WMT. COST is adding on new stores every month while WMT is in the process of closing 200 stores, for example. WMT has a much greater international exposure than COST, and the strong dollar is hurting them far more.

I expect cooler heads will soon prevail and COST will recover. Today, with COST trading at $147.20, I made a bet that 4 weeks from now, COST will be at least $145. If it is, I will make 40% after commissions on this spread trade. The stock can fall by $2.20 by that time and I will still make 40%.

Here is what I did for each contract:

Buy to Open 1 COST Mar-16 140 put (COST160318P140) Sell to Open 1 COST Mar-16 145 put (COST160318P145) for a credit of $1.45 (selling a vertical)

This is called selling a bull put credit spread. When the trade is made, your broker will deposit the proceeds ($145) in your account (less the commission of $2.50 which Terry’s Tips subscribers pay at thinkorswim), or a net of $142.50). The broker will make a maintenance requirement of $500 (the difference between the two strike prices). There is no interest on this requirement (like a margin loan), but it just means that $500 in your account can’t be used to buy other stock or options.

Since you received $142.50 when you sold the spread, your net investment is $357.50 (the difference between $500 and $142.50). This is your maximum loss if COST were to end up at any price lower than $140 when the puts expire. The break-even price is $143.57. Any ending price above this will be profitable and any ending price below this will result in a loss. (If the stock ends up at any price between $140 and $145, you will have to repurchase the 145 put that you originally sold, and the 140 put you bought will expire worthless.)

Since I expect the stock will recover, I don’t expect to incur a loss. It is comforting to know that the stock can fall by $2.20 and I will still make my 40%.

If you wanted to be more aggressive and bet the stock will move higher, back above the $150 where it was before today’s sell-off, you could buy March puts at the 145 strike and sell them at the 150 strike. You could collect at least $2.00 for that spread, and you would gain 65% if COST ended up above $150. Mayor riesgo y mayor recompensa. The stock needs to move a bit higher for you to make the maximum gain. I feel more comfortable knowing it can fall a little and still give me a seriously nice gain for a single month.

By the way, these trades can be made in an IRA (if you have a broker like thinkorswim which allows options spread trading in an IRA).

If you make either of these trades, please be sure you do it with money you can truly afford to lose. Options are leveraged instruments and often have high-percentage gains and losses. With spreads like the above, at least you know precisely what the maximum loss could be. You can’t lose more than you risk.

Wednesday, February 17th, 2016

First, an update on the Facebook (FB) trade I told you about a week ago – it was trading about $98 and the spread I suggested would make 66% if the stock was any higher than $97.50 in one month. FB is now at almost $105 and that is looking like a sure winner. It’s a good feeling to make 66% while lots of people are anguishing over recent losses. Now for a few chuckles today…

If the market knocks you down, try laughing instead of crying – Some Market Definitions:

CEO –Chief Embezzlement Officer.

CFO– Corporate Fraud Officer.

BULL MARKET — A random market movement causing an investor to mistake himself for a financial genius.

BEAR MARKET — A 6 to 18 month period when the kids get no allowance, the wife gets no jewellery, and the husband gets no sex.

VALUE INVESTING — The art of buying low and selling lower.

P/E RATIO — The percentage of investors wetting their pants as the market keeps crashing.

STANDARD & POOR — Your life in a nutshell.

STOCK ANALYST — Idiot who just downgraded your stock.

STOCK SPLIT — When your ex-wife and her lawyer split your assets equally between themselves.

FINANCIAL PLANNER — A guy whose phone has been disconnected.

MARKET CORRECTION — The day after you buy stocks.

OUT OF THE MONEY — When your checking account’s overdraft hits bottom.

CASH FLOW– The movement your money makes as it disappears down the toilet.

YAHOO — What you yell after selling it to some poor sucker for $240 per share.

WINDOWS — What you jump out of when you’re the sucker who bought Yahoo @ $240 per share.

INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR — Past year investor who’s now locked up in a nuthouse.

PROFIT — An archaic word no longer in use.

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

The market seems to be crashing because of a fear of a worldwide economic slowdown, and last week a disappointing guidance from LinkedIn (LNKD) spooked many social media stocks like Facebook (FB). I think that FB was sold down far more than it should have and that it will recover soon. Today I made a trade which will make 66% on my investment (after commissions) in 25 days even if FB doesn’t gain a penny from here. I would like to share the details of this option trade with you today.

An Option Trade for Anyone Who Likes Facebook (FB)

Less than two weeks ago, Facebook had a blow-out quarter that exceeded estimates by a large margin, both on the top and bottom lines. Ad revenue from Instagram topped expectations all around, and the future looks even better, especially in this election year when candidates are finding that social media is one of the best ways to reach voters in local elections (Ted Cruz reportedly spend $10k a day on Instagram in Iowa and won the election).

After the announcement, FB soared 15% and hit a high north of $117 a couple of days later. And then LNKD announced, and the entire gain disappeared. As I write this on Monday, the stock is back down to $98.

For Q4 2015, LinkedIn actually had a decent quarter. Revenues grew by 34% over the prior-year period and beat analyst estimates by more than $4.3 million. On the bottom line, non-GAAP EPS of $0.94 smashed estimates for $0.78. Unfortunately, investors like to be more forward looking, and guidance was down – the company expects 2016 revenue of $3.6B-3.65B and EPS of $3.05-3.20, below a consensus of $3.91B and $3.67.

This guidance implies 2016 revenue growth of just 20-22%, a dramatic slowdown from the 35% seen in 2015. One analyst reported, “The problem for LNKD is that the name is heavily compared to the social media giant Facebook (FB). Fair or not, the most recent results show a large divide between the success of these firms. In another strong quarter, FB reported a GAAP profit of $2.56 billion on nearly $6 billion in revenues. For the entire year in 2015, LinkedIn didn’t even hit $3 billion in revenues and lost more than $164 million.”

FB has clearly found a way to monetize its traffic while LNKD has not, and FB was unfairly penalized pretty much because of tepid guidance provided by a not-so-popular alternative social media company.

So what do you do if you’re an options nut and you think FB shouldn’t be trading this low? My favorite strategy is to sell what is called a vertical put credit spread. You choose a strike price which is at a number where you think the minimum price will be at some time in the future and you sell a put option at that strike while you buy a lower-strike put option in the same series. The higher-strike put option sells for more than you pay for the lower-strike put, and cash is deposited in your account when you make the trade. If you are right, both puts expire worthless and you get to keep the money that you collected when you originally placed the trade.

Here is what I did today while FB was trading just about $98:

Buy to Open 1 FB Mar-16 95 put (FB160318P95) Sell to Open 1 FB Mar-16 97.5 put (FB160318P97.5) for $1.02 (selling a vertical)

For each contract I sold, $102 was placed in my account (less $2.50 for the commission at the cost Terry’s Tips subscribers pay at thinkorswim), for a net of $99.50. The broker will place a maintenance requirement on my account of $250 for each contract. This is not a margin loan and no interest is charged, but I can’t use that amount to buy other options or stock. Since I received $99.50 from the sale, the most I could actually lose is $150.50, and that is all that is tied up from the $250 maintenance requirement.

If FB closes at any price above $97.50 on March 18, both puts will expire worthless and I will get to keep the $99.50 I received for each contract. There will be no trade necessary and no commission to pay. That works out to a gain of 66% for the month.

If the stock falls from $98 to $97 on that date, I would have to buy back the 97.5 put for $50, so my gain would be just less than $50. The break-even price would be about $96.50 below which I would lose money up to the $150.50 maximum. In order to lose the maximum amount, FB would have to close at or below $95.

You might choose a further-out date, say April, July, or September instead of March for this trade to give the stock a little more time to move higher. You could probably get more than $1.02 for those months, but you would have to wait that much longer to be able to collect your money.

Another way to play this spread would be to select higher strike prices and hope that FB doesn’t just stay flat but moves higher. If you bought puts at the 97.5 strike and sold puts at the 100 strike, you could collect about $1.20 for the spread. If the stock ended up above $100, you would make a little less than $120 per spread on a risk of $130, or about 90%. Esta es una apuesta mucho más alcista porque la acción tiene que moverse más alto para que usted recoja la ganancia máxima. I personally think it should move this high, but I feel more comfortable betting that it at least doesn’t fall any more from here.

Sunday, January 17th, 2016

The market is closed for the Marin Luther King holiday today, and maybe you have a little time to see how we plan to make some exceptional returns by playing what might happen with oil prices.

I would like to share with you details on a new portfolio we have set up at Terry’s Tips. Es una apuesta a largo plazo que el precio del petróleo finalmente se recuperará de sus mínimos recientes de 12 años, pero tal vez empeorará a corto plazo antes de que se produzca una eventual recuperación. In the wonderful world of stock options, you can bet on both possibilities at once, and possibly make double-digit monthly gains while you wait for the future to unfold.

I hope you enjoy my thinking about an option strategy based on the future of oil prices. Maybe you might like to emulate these positions in your own account or become a Terry’s Tips Insider and watch them evolve over time.

Making a Long-Term Options Bet on Oil

Nobel Laureate Yale University professor Robert Shiller was interviewed by Alex Rosenberg of CNBC on July 6, 2015. He delivered his oft-repeated message that he believed that both stocks and bonds were overvalued and likely to fall. The last couple of weeks in the market makes his forecast seem pretty accurate. And then he continued on to say that he thought that oil would be a good investment, and that he was putting some of his own money on a bet that oil prices would move higher in the long run. “One should have a wide variety of assets in one’s portfolio. And oil, by the way, is a particularly important asset to have in one’s portfolio, because we need it, and the economy thrives on it,” él dijo.

“So yeah, prices have come down a lot, partly because of the invention of fracking,” which has increased supply levels. “Will that reverse and go up smartly? No lo sé. But I’m just thinking—historically, commodities have been a good part of a portfolio, and they’re not pricey, so why not?”

So how has his advice turned out? On the day that Shiller suggested buying oil, USO (the most popular ETP that tracks the price of oil) was trading at $19. Es casi exactamente la mitad de esa cantidad hoy.

We might wonder how Mr. Shiller feels about losing half his money in six months. If he hasn’t sold it yet, he really hasn’t lost it of course, but his account value is surely a whole lot less than it was.

I like the idea of getting into oil at a price which is half of what this apparently brilliant man bought it for, and also would like to benefit if the steady drop in the price of oil might continue a bit longer in the short run. Iran is scheduled to start dumping lots of its oil on the world market as the sanctions are removed, and OPEC has shown no inclination to reduce production (in its effort to discourage American frackers who have a higher cost of production). If the supply of oil continues to grow at a faster rate than demand, lower prices will probably continue to be the dominant trend, at least until a major war or terrorist action breaks out, or OPEC changes its tune and cuts back on production. If oil costs more to produce than it can be sold for (as OPEC asserts), then eventually supply must shrink to such a point that oil prices will improve.

Intuition would tell us that lower gas prices in the U. S. should help our economy (except for oil producers). Instead of paying $4 per gallon of gas, American drivers can pay about half that amount and have lots of money left over to buy other things. Uno pensaría que esto estimularía la economía y sería bueno para el mercado de acción. Apparently, it has not worked out that way. The recent drop in the stock market was supposedly due to fears of weakness in international economies. Many of them are dependent on oil revenues, and they are in bad shape with oil so cheap. Sometimes what seems intuitively true doesn’t work out in the real world.

It makes sense to me that at some point, supply and demand must even out, and a price achieved that is at least as high as the average cost of getting oil out of the ground. On a 60 Minutes episode on the subject of oil drilling in Saudi Arabia, the minister cited $60 per barrel as that number. Esto es más del doble del precio de venta actual del petróleo. It seems logical to believe that sometime in the future, this number will once again be reached. Si ese es el caso, USO debe ser el doble de lo que es ahora.

The portfolio we created at Terry’s Tips (aptly called Black Gold) involves buying call LEAPS on USO which expire in 2018 so we have two years to wait for a rebound in oil.

Here are the two spreads we placed in this portfolio which was set up with $3500 (the actual cost of these spreads, including commissions, was $3186)

Buy To Open 7 USO Jan-18 8 calls (USO180119C8) Sell To Open 7 USO Mar-16 10.5 calls (USO160318C10.5) for a debit of $2.32 (buying a diagonal)

Buy To Open 10 USO Jan-18 8 calls (USO180119C8) Sell To Open 10 USO Feb-16 8 calls (USO160229C8) for a debit of $1.52 (buying a calendar)

The first spread (the diagonal) is set up to provide upside protection. The intrinsic value of this spread is $2.50 (the difference between the strike prices of the long and short sides). No matter how high the stock moves, this spread can never trade for less than $2.50. Actually, since there are 22 more months of life to the long Jan-18 calls, they will always have an additional time premium value that will keep the spread value well over $2.50. Since we paid only $2.32 for the spread, we can never lose money on it if the stock were to move higher.

The second spread, the calendar which is slightly in the money (at the 8 strike while the stock is trading about $8.75) is designed to provide downside protection in case the price of oil moves lower. Ideally, we would like the stock to fall about $.75 to end up exactly at $8 in 5 weeks when the Feb-16 calls expire. If that happens, those calls we sold will expire worthless and we will be in a position to sell new calls that expire a month later at the same strike. We should be able to collect about $500 from that sale, well over 10% of the initial cost of all the positions). No matter where the stock ends up, we will sell new calls at the February expiration, most likely in the March-16 series at the 8 strike price. If that is near the money, we should be able to collect about $.50 for each option, and it won’t take too many monthly sales at that level to completely cover our initial $1.52 cost of the spread. We will have 21 opportunities to sell new monthly premium to cover the original cost.

The long side of the calendar spread (the Jan-18 calls) will always have a value which is greater than the short-term calls that we sell at the 8 strike price. It is not always certain that they will be worth $1.32 more than the short-term calls like they are at the beginning, however. If the stock stays within a few dollars of $8, the long side should be worth at least $1.32 higher than the short side. If the stock makes a very large move in either direction, the long side might not be worth $1.32 more than the short side. Hopefully, we will collect new premium each month early on so that the original $1.32 cost has been returned to us and we are then playing with the house’s money for all the remaining months.

When the Mar-16 10.5 calls expire, we will sell new calls with about a month or two of life, choosing strike prices that are appropriate at the time, being careful not to choose a strike which is too low to insure we have at least some spreads which will not lose money no matter how high the stock price moves over the next two years. Presumably, we will be selling short term (one or two month) calls at increasingly higher strike prices as the stock moves higher in the long run, collecting new premium and watching the value of our long Jan-18 8 calls increase substantially in value as they become more and more in the money.

This is the risk profile graph which shows what we should make or lose at various possible stock prices in 5 weeks when the Feb-16 calls expire:

The stock can fall about 9% in 5 weeks before a loss occurs on the downside, or it can go up by any reasonable amount and a double-digit gain should be made on the original cost of the spreads. Each month, we plan to sell enough short-term premium to give us a 10% gain as long as the stock does not fluctuate outside a range of about 10% in either direction. Most months, this should be possible.

Esta explicación puede ser un poco confusa para cualquiera que no esté familiarizado con las opciones sobre acciones. It would all make total sense if you became a Terry’s Tips Insider and read our 14-day tutorial. It takes a little effort, but it could change your investment returns for the rest of your life.

Monday, December 14th, 2015

Last week, VIX, the so-called “fear index” rose 65% to close at 24.39. It was the 10th time that it moved over 20 in the last 3 years. In 9 of those 10 occasions, VIX fell back below 20 in less than 10 days, and in the other instance (August 21, 2015), it took 40 days to fall back below 20. Today I would like to tell you about a trade I am making today that will make 68% in one month if that pattern continues this time around.

An Option Play Designed to Make 68% in One Month

Last week was a bad one for the market. The S&P 500 tracking stock (SPY) fell $7.74 to close at $201.88, down 3.7% for the week. SPY closed out 2014 at $205.54 and started out 2015 at $206.38, so if last week’s close holds up for two more weeks, the market will record a calendar year loss for the first time since 2008.

Apparently, the reason for the big drop centered around the Fed’s likely move to raise interest rates on Wednesday, the first time it has done so in a decade. I believe that the institutions (who control over 90% of the trading volume) were carrying out a last-ditch effort to discourage this move. After all, does the Fed want to be the bad guys who are responsible for the worst yearly market in 7 years? Would raising rates be a good idea at a time when the market is lower than it was a year ago? (We should remember that the Fed is composed of big banks who make greater profits when interest rates are higher, so raising rates may seem to be self-serving).

I have no idea if the Fed will raise rates in two days as Janet Yellen has indicated they plan to. If they do, I suspect it will be a small start, maybe 0.25%, and they will also report that they intend to be slow to make further increases. En cualquier caso, no hay aumento de la tarifa o una pequeña, el gran cambio será que la incertidumbre sobre el momento del aumento dejará de existir. Either choice should result in a higher market and more importantly for option traders, a lower VIX.

As I have written about extensively, an Exchange Traded Product (ETP) called SVXY varies inversely with VIX. When VIX moves higher, SVXY crashes, and vice versa. Last week, SVXY fell $14.27, from $59.41 to $45.14, (24%) when VIX rose 65%.

When VIX falls back below 20, as it has done every single time it rose over 20 for the past 3 years, SVXY will be trading higher than it is today. Here is the trade that will make 68% if SVXY is trading any higher than it closed on Friday in 32 days (on January 15, 2016).

Buy To Open 1 SVXY Jan-16 40 put (SVXY160115P40) Sell To Open 1 SVXY Jan-16 45 put (SVXY160115P45) for a credit of $2.05 (selling a vertical)

This trade will put $205 in your account (less $2.50 commissions at the rate Terry’s Tips subscribers pay at thinkorswim), or $202.50. The broker will place a maintenance requirement on your account of $500, but your maximum amount at risk is $500 less the $202.50 you collected, or $297.50) – this loss would occur if SVXY closed at any price below $40 at the January expiration. The break-even price for you would be $43.00 – any price above this would be profitable and any price below it would incur a loss. There is no interest charge on the maintenance requirement, but that much in your account will be set aside so that you can’t buy other stocks or options with it.

At the close of trading on January 15, 2016, if SVXY is at any price above $45, both these puts options will expire worthless and you will keep the $202.50 you collected when you made the trade. This works out to be a 68% gain on your investment at risk. You will not have to make a trade at that time, but just wait until the end of the day to see the maintenance requirement disappear.

Of course, there are other ways you could make a similar bet that SVXY will head higher as soon as some of the market uncertainty dissipates. You could sell the same spread at any weekly option series for the next 5 weeks and receive approximately the same credit price. For shorter time periods, you don’t have to wait so long to pocket your profit, but there is less time for uncertainty to settle down and SVXY move higher.

Actually, VIX does not have to fall for SVXY to at least remain flat. It should trade at least at $45 as long as VIX does not rise appreciably between now and when the options expire.

A more aggressive trade would be to bet that SVXY rises to at least $50 in 33 days. In this trade, you would buy Jan-16 45 puts and sell Jan-16 50 puts. You should collect at least $2.80 ($277.50 after commissions) and make 124% on your maximum risk of $222.50 if SVXY closed at any price above $50 on January 15, 2016.

The last time that VIX closed above 20 was on November 13, 2016. On that day, SVXY closed at $50.96. On the very next day, VIX fell below 20 and SVXY rose to $56.16. It never traded below the $50.96 number until last Friday when VIX once again moved above 20.

I think this is an opportune time to make a profitable trade which is essentially a bet that the current market uncertainty will be temporary, and might be over as soon as Wednesday when the Fed makes its decision concerning interest rates. Of course, a serious terrorist action or other calamity might spook markets as well, and the uncertainty will continue.

No option trades are sure bets, even if the last 10 times a certain indicator flashed and a 68% profit could have been made every time. As with all investments, you should never risk any money that you truly can’t afford to lose. However, I feel pretty good about the two investments outlined above, and will be making them today, shortly after you receive this letter.

Monday, December 7th, 2015

This week we are reporting the results for the actual portfolios we carry out at Terry’s Tips. Many of our subscribers mirror our trades in their own accounts or have thinkorswim execute trades automatically for them through their free Auto-Trade program. In addition, we are showing the actual positions we currently hold in one of these portfolios so you can get a better idea of how we carry out the 10K Strategy.

Disfrute del informe completo.

Portfolios Gain an Average of 10% for the Month

The market (SPY) edged up 0.8% in November. In spite of mid-month relatively high volatility, things ended up just about where they started. The 6 actual portfolios carried out at Terry’s Tips outperformed the market by a factor of 12, gaining an average of 10.0%.

This 10% was less than October’s 14.2% average gain for the portfolios. The big reason why November lagged behind October was that we had one big losing portfolio this month (more on that later). Here are the results for each portfolio:

First Saturday Report Chart November 2015

* After doubling in value, portfolio had 2-for-1 split in October 2015

** After doubling in value, portfolio had 2-for-1 split in September 2015. ***Portfolio started with $4000 and $5600 withdrawn in December 2014.

S&P 500 Price Change for November = +0.8% Average Portfolio Company Price Change for November = +1.8% Average Portfolio Value Change for November = +10.0%

Further Comments . We have now recorded a 24.2% gain for the first two months of our First Saturday Reports. This is surely a remarkable result, 4 times better than the 5.4% that the market gained over those two months. Our results work out to an annualized rate of 145%, a level that we are surely not going to be able to maintain forever. But is has been fun so far.

All of the underlying stock prices did not gain in November. SBUX fell 1.3%, yet the Java Jive portfolio picked up 13.6%, proving once again that a lower stock price can still yield good gains, just as long as the drop is not too great.

Only one of our underlying stocks had an earnings announcement this month. Facebook (FB) announced and the stock edged higher, causing our Foxy Facebook to be our greatest gainer (up 22.1%) for November. We will have two earnings announcements in December – COST on the 8th and NKE which reports on the 20th or 21st. NKE también tendrá una división de acciones 2 por 1 el 23 de diciembre. History shows that stocks which have a split tend to move higher after the split is announced, but then they move lower after the split has taken place. We will keep that in mind when we establish option positions later this month.

New Portfolio JNJ Jamboree Starts off With a Nice Gain . In its first month of operation, our newest portfolio gained 14.3% while the stock closely mirrored the market’s gain, picking up 0.9% compared to the market’s 0.8% gain. JNJ pays a healthy dividend which reduces volatility a bit, but the portfolio’s early performance demonstrates that the 10K Strategy can make good gains even when the options carry a low Implied Volatility (IV).

What Happened in Vista Valley, our big Loser This Month? NKE experienced extreme volatility, first dropping when Dick’s had a dismal earnings announcement, and then recovering when reports indicated that NKE was doing much better than most of the retailers. In the second week of November, NKE crashed $9.92 (7.5%). This is a truly unusual drop, and immediately forced us to make a decision. Do we lower the strike prices of our options to protect ourselves against a further drop, or do we hang on and wait for a recovery?

We were a little concerned by some analyst reports which argued that while NKE was a great company, its current valuation was extremely high (and probably unsustainable). So we lowered the strike prices from the 130–135 range to the 120-125 range. This ended up being a big mistake, because in the subsequent week, the stock rose $10.79, totally reversing the week-earlier drop. This forced us to sell off the lower-strike spreads and start over again with the higher strikes we had at the beginning of the month. If we had done nothing, the portfolio would have made a large gain for the month. Since we have selected underlyings that we believe are headed higher, in the future we should be slow to adjust to the downside unless there is strong evidence to refute our initial positive take on the company. Esta experiencia es otro recordatorio de que la alta volatilidad es el Darth Vader del mundo de la Estrategia 10K.

Here are the actual positions we held in one of the 6 Terry’s Tips portfolios. This portfolio uses the S&P 500 tracking stock (SPY) as the underlying. We have been running this portfolio for only two months. These positions are typical of how we carry out the 10K Strategy for all the portfolios. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Summary of Spy 10K Classic Portfolio . This $5000 portfolio was set up on October 6, 2015. It uses the 10K Strategy with short calls in several weekly series, some of which expire each week and is counted as one of our stock-based portfolios (even though it is not technically a stock, but an ETP).

First Saturday Report November 2015 10K Spy Positions

Results for the week: With SPY up $1.69 (0.8%) for the 5-week month, the portfolio gained $491 or 8.6%. This is about what we should expect when the market is ultimately flat, but with high volatility inside the month. We dodged a bullet by refraining from adjusting last week when the stock tanked on Thursday because it recovered that entire loss on Friday.

Our positions right now are a little unusual for us because we only have short calls in the next two weekly option series. Usually, we have 3 or 4 short series in place. The reason we ended up where we are right now is that when we buy back expiring calls each Friday, if the market that week has been flat or down, we sell next-week at-the-money calls. If the market has moved higher, we go to further-out series and sell at strikes which are higher than the stock price. Most weeks in November were flat or down, so we did not move out to further-out option series.

Looking forward to next week, the risk profile graph shows that our break-even range extends from about $2 on the downside to $3 on the upside. Un mercado absolutamente plano debería resultar en una ganancia semanal mucho mayor que la experimentada el mes pasado porque tenemos un número inusualmente alto de llamadas cerca del dinero que vence la próxima semana.

As we approach the regular monthly option series for December (they expire on the third Friday, the 18th), we need to remember that a dividend is payable to holders of SPY on December 17. If we have short in-the-money calls on that date, we risk having them exercised and leaving us with the obligation to pay that dividend. For that reason, we will roll out of any in-the-money short calls a day earlier than usual to avoid this possibility.

Monday, November 9th, 2015

One of the best times to set up an options strategy is just before a company announces earnings. Today I would like to share our experience doing this last month with Facebook (FB) last month. I hope you will read all the way through – there is some important information there. If you missed them, be sure to check out the short videos which explains why I like calendar spreads. and How to Make Adjustments to Calendar and Diagonal Spreads.

How to Set Up a Pre-Earnings Announcement Options Strategy

When a company reports results each quarter, the stock price often fluctuates far more than usual, depending on how well the company performs compared both to past performance and to the market’s collective level of expectations. Anticipating a big move one way or another, just prior to the announcement, option prices skyrocket, both puts and calls.

At Terry’s Tips, our basic strategy involves selling short-term options to others (using longer-term options as collateral for making those sales). One of the absolute best times for us is the period just before an upcoming earnings announcement. That is when we can collect the most premium.

An at-the-money call (stock price and strike price are the same) for a call with a month of remaining life onFacebook (FB) trades for about $3 ($300 per call). If that call expires shortly after an earnings announcement, it will trade for about $4.80. That is a significant difference. In options parlance, option prices are “high” or “low” depending on their implied volatility (IV). IV is much higher for all options series in the weeks before the announcement. IV is at its absolute highest in the series that expires just after the announcement. Usually that is a weekly option series.

Here are IV numbers for FB at-the-money calls before and after the November 4th earnings announcement:

One week option life before, IV = 57 One week option life after, IV = 25 Two week option life before, IV = 47 Two week option life after, IV = 26 One month option life before, IV =38 One month option life after, IV = 26 Four month option life before, IV = 35 Four month option life after, IV = 31

These numbers clearly show that when you are buying a 4-month-out call (March, IV=35) and selling a one-week out call (IV=57), before an announcement, you are buying less expensive options (lower IV) than those which you are selling. After the announcement, this gets reversed. The short-term options you are selling are relatively less expensive than the ones you are buying. Bottom line, before the announcement, you are buying low and selling high, and after the announcement, you are buying high and selling low.

You can make a lot of money buying a series of longer-term call options and selling short-term calls at several strike prices in the series that expires shortly after the announcement. If the long and short sides of your spread are at the same strike price, you call it a calendar spread, and if the strikes are at different prices, it is called a diagonal spread.

Calendar and diagonal spreads essentially work the same, with the important point being the strike price of the short option that you have sold. The maximum gain for your spread will come if the stock price ends up exactly at that strike price when the option expires. If you can correctly guess the price of the stock after the announcement, you can make a ton of money.

But as we all know, guessing the short-term price of a stock is a really tough thing to do, especially when you are trying to guess where it might end up shortly after the announcement. You never know how well the company has done, or more importantly, how the market will react to how the company has performed. For that reason, we recommend selecting selling short-term options at several different strike prices. This increases your chances of having one short strike which gains you the maximum amount possible.

Here are the positions held in our actual FB portfolio at Terry’s Tips on Friday, October 30th, one week before the Nov-1 15 calls would expire just after FB announced earnings on November 4th:

Foxy Face Book Positions Nov 2015

We owned calls which expired in March 2016 at 3 different strikes (97.5, 100, and 105) and we were short calls with one week of remaining life at 4 different strikes (103, 105, 106, and 107). There was one calendar spread at the 105 strike and all the others were diagonal spreads. We owned 2 more calls than we were short. Esto es a menudo parte de nuestra estrategia justo antes del día del anuncio. A fairly large percent of the time, the stock moves higher in the day or two before the announcement as anticipation of a positive report kicks in. We planned to sell another call before the announcement, hopefully getting a higher price than we would have received earlier. (We sold a Nov1-15 204 call for $2.42 on Monday). We were feeling pretty positive about the stock, and maintained a more bullish (higher net delta position) than we normally do.

Here is the risk profile graph for the above positions. It shows our expected gain or loss one week later (after the announcement) when the Nov1-15 calls expired:

Foxy Face Book Rick Profile Graph Nov 2015

When we produced this graph, we instructed the software to assume that IV for the Mar-16 calls would fall from 35 to 30 after the announcement. If we hadn’t done that, the graph would have displayed unrealistically high possible returns. You can see with this assumption, a flat stock price should result in a $300 gain, and if the stock rose $2 or higher, the gain would be in the $1000 range (maybe a bit higher if the stock was up just moderately because of the additional $242 we collected from selling another call).

So what happened? FB announced earnings that the market liked. The stock soared from about $102 to about $109 after the announcement (but then fell back a bit on Friday, closing at $107.10). We bought back the expiring Nov1-15 calls (all of which were in the money on Thursday or Friday) and sold further-out calls at several strike prices to get set up for the next week. The portfolio gained $1301 in value, rising from $7046 to $8347, up 18.5% for the week. This is just a little better than our graph predicted. The reason for the small difference is that IV for the March calls fell only to 31, and we had estimated that it would fall to 30.

You can see why we like earnings announcement time, especially when we are right about the direction the stock moves. In this case, we would have made a good gain no matter how high the stock might go (because we had one uncovered long call). Most of the time, we select short strikes which yield a risk profile graph with more downside protection and limited upside potential (a huge price rise would yield a lower gain, and possibly a loss).

One week earlier, in our Starbucks (SBUX) portfolio, we had another earnings week. SBUX had a positive earnings report, but the market was apparently disappointed with guidance and the level of sales in China, and the stock was pushed down a little after the announcement. Our portfolio managed to gain 18% for the week.

Many people would be happy with 18% a year on their invested capital, and we have done it in a single week in which an earnings announcement took place. We look forward to having three more such weeks when reporting season comes around once again over the course of a year, both for these two underlyings and the 4 others we also trade (COST, NKE, JNJ, and SPY). “I have confidence in your system…I have seen it work very well…currently I have had a first 100% gain, and am now working to diversify into more portfolios. Goldman/Sachs is also doing well – up about 40%…

Monday, November 2nd, 2015

This week I would like to share with you (for the first time ever) every option position we hold in every stock-based actual portfolio we carry out at Terry’s Tips. You can access this report here. If you missed it last week, be sure to check out the short videos which explains why I like calendar spreads. and How to Make Adjustments to Calendar and Diagonal Spreads.

There is a lot of material to cover in the report and videos, but I hope you will be willing to make the effort to learn a little about a non-traditional way to make greater investment returns than just about anything out there.

First Saturday Report with October 2015 Results

Here is a summary of how well our 5 stock-based portfolios using our 10K Strategy performed last month as well as for their entire lifetime:

First Saturday Report October Results 2015

While it was a good month for the market, the best in 4 years, our 5 portfolios outperformed the market by 166% in October.

Enjoy the full report here .

Making 36% — A Duffer's Guide to Breaking Par in the Market Every Year in Good Years and Bad

This book may not improve your golf game, but it might change your financial situation so that you will have more time for the greens and fairways (and sometimes the woods).

Averigüe por qué el Dr. Allen cree que la Estrategia 10K es menos riesgosa que poseer acciones o fondos mutuos, y por qué es especialmente apropiado para su IRA.

Success Stories

I have been trading the equity markets with many different strategies for over 40 years. Terry Allen's strategies have been the most consistent money makers for me. I used them during the 2008 melt-down, to earn over 50% annualized return, while all my neighbors were crying about their losses.

thinkorswim, Division of TD AMERITRADE, Inc. and Terry’s Tips are separate, unaffiliated companies and are not responsible for each other's services and products.

©Copyright 2001-2016 Terry's Tips Stock Options Trading Blog Terry's Tips, Inc. dba Terry's Tips

Best Online Brokers - StockBrokers. com 2016

on Monday, February 15th, 2016

Our comprehensive 2016 Online Broker Review is the culmination of a year's worth of extensive testing and research. Broker were rated in 10 different areas across 295 different variables: Commissions & Fees, Ease-of-Use, Platforms & Tools, Research, Customer Service, Offering of Investments, Education, Mobile Trading, Order Execution and Banking.

The results for each of these areas, "Best in Class" Category finishers, Industry Award winners, and overall scores, can be found on on the main annual review page. Here is the official ranking list for 2016:

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TD Ameritrade, Inc. y StockBrokers. com son compañías separadas, no afiliadas y no son responsables de los servicios y productos de los demás. Las opciones no son adecuadas para todos los inversores, ya que los riesgos especiales inherentes al comercio de opciones pueden exponer a los inversores a pérdidas potencialmente rápidas y sustanciales. Derechos de operación de opciones sujetos a revisión y aprobación de TD Ameritrade. Por favor lea Características y Riesgos de Opciones Estandarizadas antes de invertir en opciones. Offer valid for one new Individual, Joint or IRA TD Ameritrade account opened by 9/30/16 and funded within 30 days of account opening with $3,000 or more. Para recibir un bono de $ 100, la cuenta debe ser financiada con $ 25,000 o más dentro de los 30 días del financiamiento mínimo inicial. Para recibir bonos de $ 300, la cuenta debe ser financiada con $ 100,000 o más dentro de los 30 días de la financiación mínima inicial. Para recibir un bono de $ 600, la cuenta debe ser financiada con $ 250,000 o más dentro de los 30 días del financiamiento mínimo inicial. Por favor, espere de 3 a 5 días hábiles para que los depósitos en efectivo se contabilicen. La oferta no es transferible y no es válida con transferencias internas, las cuentas que utilizan el servicio Amerivest, las cuentas TD Ameritrade Institutional y las cuentas actuales de TD Ameritrade o con otras ofertas. La comisión de acciones de Internet sin comisión, ETF u órdenes de opciones calificadas no estará limitada a un máximo de 250 y debe ejecutarse dentro de los 90 días de la financiación de la cuenta. Los honorarios de contrato, ejercicio y asignación siguen siendo aplicables. Limite una oferta por cliente. El valor de la cuenta calificada debe permanecer igual o mayor que el valor después de que se realizó el depósito neto (menos las pérdidas debidas a la negociación oa la volatilidad del mercado o los saldos deudores de los márgenes) durante 12 meses o TD Ameritrade puede cobrar la cuenta El costo de la oferta a su sola discreción. TD Ameritrade se reserva el derecho de restringir o revocar esta oferta en cualquier momento. Esto no es una oferta o solicitud en ninguna jurisdicción en la que no seamos autorizados para hacer negocios. Por favor, espere de 3 a 5 días hábiles para que los depósitos en efectivo se contabilicen. Los impuestos relacionados con las ofertas de TD Ameritrade son su responsabilidad. Los valores minoristas por un total de $ 600 o más durante el año calendario serán incluidos en su formulario consolidado 1099. Consulte a un asesor legal o fiscal para los cambios más recientes en el código de impuestos de los Estados Unidos y para las reglas de elegibilidad de renovación. (Código de oferta 264) Miembro de TD Ameritrade Inc. FINRA / SIPC. TD Ameritrade es una marca de propiedad conjunta de TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. y The Toronto-Dominion Bank. © 2016 TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Se utiliza con permiso.

Four Top Performing Newsletters

By Steven Goldberg | February 22, 2005

Mark Hulbert has been rating investing newsletters for more than 20 years. Now he\'s naming the decade\'s top performers.

One smart way to invest is to subscribe to a solid investment newsletter -- online or through the mail -- and follow its recommendations. But how do you separate the good newsletters from the lousy ones?

Fortunately, Mark Hulbert has tracked investment newsletters for more than 20 years in his Hulbert Financial Digest . The latest issue provides performance data on all the letters he monitors.


Hulbert is painstakingly accurate. He takes such steps as subscribing to each newsletter he tracks under a friend's name -- to ensure that he doesn't receive issues earlier than anyone else. That allows him to establish purchase and sales prices for stocks fairly.

His research, along with academic studies, concludes that the best way to pick a winning newsletter is to focus on long-term, risk-adjusted performance.

Risk-adjusted performance is an important concept. If a newsletter invests only half its portfolios in stocks, other things being equal, it will be only half as risky as the market. So, a newsletter that is only half as volatile as the market shouldn't be expected to beat the market in absolute terms.

The Top Fund Newsletters

Indeed, the top newsletter of the past ten years (through the end of 2004) is No-Load Mutual Fund Selections and Timing . It has returned an annualized 10.3%, compared with 11.9% for the broad-based Wilshire 5000. But it has produced those results with 54% less volatility than the index.

Editor Stephen Mckee has added value both through shrewd timing moves and good fund selection, Hulbert says. His recommendations have never lost more than 7% in any 12-month period.

Ranking second is Investment Quality Trends , which focuses on big, dividend-paying stocks. It has returned an annualized 14.2% over the past ten years with 25% less volatility than the Wilshire.

Third is No Load Fund*X , which switches into funds with the best short-term results. It has returned an annualized 19.3% over the past ten years with just a bit more volatility than the Wilshire. I wrote about this and other fund-momentum newsletters in Kiplinger's Personal Finance magazine last year (see "They Ride the Hot Funds," March 2004).


Bob Brinker's Marketimer is in fourth place. Although Brinker's fund picks have slightly lagged the market on average, his timing moves have put him ahead of the market. Over the past ten years, he's gained an annualized 13.2%, with 19% less volatility than the market.

A note: After I wrote about Brinker's newsletter two years ago, I received several e-mails from angry readers claiming Hulbert didn't accurately reflect all of Brinker's predictions. Indeed, Hulbert notes that Brinker incorrectly forecast a bear market rally in late 2000, recommending a losing trade in the Nasdaq 100 index. But Hulbert doesn't count that trade against Brinker's record because Brinker didn't make it in his newsletter's model portfolios.

Pick the Best Letter

Before you subscribe to any newsletter, be sure you're investing enough to make it worthwhile. The newsletters above cost $150 or more annually. (I haven't listed the prices because almost all of them periodically offer specials at their Web sites.) On a $10,000 portfolio, $150 is 1.5% annually -- a huge chunk.

Take a look at a newsletter's home page and get a sample issue before you subscribe. Make sure you'll be comfortable with its trading style and advice. For instance, some newsletters require frequent trades. If you're not always near a computer, or if you don't want to take the time to make the trades, look elsewhere.

Finally, once you pick a newsletter you like, try to stick with it for several years. Even the best newsletters will have rotten years.

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Buying Stock Using Stock Options

Por Adam Milton. Experto en Comercio de Día

When long term investors want to invest in a stock, they usually buy the stock at the current market price, and pay the full price for the stock. This method of buying stock has no advantages, and is the standard stock buying strategy that is used by the non trading public.

A better way to buy stock for a long term investment is to use stock options. By using the correct stock options strategy, long term investors can have control over the price at which they buy the stock, and also buy the stock at a lower price than other investors.

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Opciones de alamcenaje

Las opciones sobre acciones son opciones que se basan en una acción subyacente (como GOOG para Google). Stock options can be used to trade a stock for the short term, or invest in a stock for the long term. Las opciones sobre acciones están disponibles en la mayoría de las acciones individuales en los Estados Unidos, Europa y Asia, y generalmente se negocian utilizando un contrato de opciones sobre acciones por cada 100 acciones de la acción subyacente.

Más información sobre las opciones sobre acciones, incluida una descripción de los contratos de opciones sobre acciones, está disponible en el artículo de opciones sobre acciones.

Buying Stock Using Stock Options

Cuando se utilizan opciones sobre acciones para invertir en un stock en particular, las razones para invertir en el stock debe ser la misma que cuando se compra el stock real. The only difference is that the stock purchase is executed using options contracts instead of the underlying stock. Una vez que se ha elegido una acción adecuada, la operación de inversión de acciones se ejecuta de la siguiente manera:

Sell one out of the money put option for every 100 shares of stock

Wait for the stock price to decrease to the put options' precio de ejercicio

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If the options are assigned (by the exchange), buy the underlying stock at the strike price

If the options are not assigned, keep the premium received for the put options as profit

Ventajas de las opciones sobre acciones

There are three main advantages of using this stock options strategy to buy stock.

Firstly, when the put options are initially sold, the trader will immediately receive the price of the put options as profit. If the underlying stock price never decreases to the put options' strike price, the trader will not buy the stock, and will keep the profit from the put options.

Secondly, if the underlying stock price decreases to the put options' strike price, the trader will buy the stock at the strike price, rather than the previously higher market price. As the trader chooses which put options to sell, they can choose the strike price, and therefore have control over the price that they buy the stock at.

Thirdly, as the trader received the price of the put options as profit, this provides a buffer between the purchase price of the stock, and the breakeven point of the trade. This buffer means that the stock price can fluctuate slightly without causing the stock trade to go into a negative profit / loss.

Ejemplo de comercio

Un inversor de acciones a largo plazo ha decidido que quieren invertir en la empresa XYZ. XYZ's stock is currently trading at $430, and the next options expiration is one month away. El inversor quiere comprar 1.000 acciones de XYZ, por lo que ejecutar las siguientes opciones de compra de comercio:

Sell 10 put options (each options contract is worth 100 shares), with a strike price of $420, at a price of $7 per options contract. The total amount received for this trade is $7,000 (calculated at $7 x 100 x 10 = $7,000). The investor receives the $7,000 immediately, and keeps this as profit.

Wait for XYZ's stock price to decrease to the put options' strike price of $420. If the stock price decreases to $420, the put options will be exercised, and the put options may be assigned by the exchange. If the put options are assigned, the investor will purchase XYZ's stock at $420 per share (the strike price that they originally chose).

If the investor does buy the underlying stock, the $7,000 received for the put options will create a buffer against the stock investment becoming a loss. The buffer will be $7 per share (calculated as $7,000 / 1000 = $7). This means that the stock price could continue decreasing to $413, before the stock investment goes into a negative profit / loss.

If XYZ's stock price does not decrease to the put options' strike price of $420, the put options will not be exercised, so the investor will not buy the underlying stock. Instead, the investor will keep the $7,000 received for the put options as profit.


If you are considering investing in a stock for the long term, think about using stock options instead of buying the underlying stock directly. Using stock options in this manner, can considerably reduce the risk and potential loss of long term investing in stock. Esto puede aumentar significativamente su relación riesgo / beneficio, y por lo tanto su rentabilidad.

Restricted Stock Is Better Than Stock Options

By F. John Reh. Management & Leadership Expert

Actualizado el 15 de diciembre de 2014.

Many companies are concerned by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) recommendation that stock options be shown on the company's expense sheet. Especialmente de alta tecnología y las empresas de puesta en marcha están preocupados porque temen perder una de sus grandes herramientas de motivación. They needn't worry. Ya hay una mejor opción de compensación, las opciones de acciones restringidas.

Motivation Through Restricted Stock

Issuing restricted stock is a better motivating tool than granting stock options for two reasons.

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First, many employees don't understand stock options. They don't know that they have to take action to realize any gain. Es mucho más fácil para ellos comprender un período de carencia en acciones restringidas. Second, restricted stock can't become worthless like stock options. Incluso si el precio de las acciones cae, las acciones restringidas conservan algún valor intrínseco.

A stock option grant with a strike price of $10 has no value when the stock trades at $8. Restricted stock awarded when trading at $10 is still worth $8. A stock option has lost 100% of its value.

The restricted stock has only lost 20%.

Employee Ownership Through Restricted Stock

One of the advantages restricted stock has from a management perspective is it is better at motivating employee to think and act like owners. Cuando un premio de acciones restringidas se otorga, el empleado que recibió el stock restringido se convierte en un propietario de la empresa. Él o ella tiene que tomar ninguna otra acción para hacer que suceda. El empleado es ahora propietario parcial y puede votar en la reunión anual.

Actual ownership of part of the company is a powerful motivating tool in trying to get employees to own the company's objectives.

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Esto los hace más centrados en alcanzar metas.

Las opciones sobre acciones, por el contrario, hacen poco para inculcar un sentido de propiedad. They are viewed by most as a high risk gamble that has a potentially great reward. Un individuo puede muy bien invertir un par de años ayudando a una empresa a crecer y prosperar cuando se compensa por ese tiempo por las opciones de acciones. Sin embargo, su lealtad es elevar el precio de las acciones para que el puede sacar y hacer un paquete. No tienen lealtad a la empresa y sus objetivos. A menudo, van a elegir las acciones que elevan el precio de las acciones en el corto plazo, aumentando así su ganancia potencial, en lugar de tomar una visión a largo plazo que ayudará a la empresa.

Restricted Stock Supporters

The LA Times reports that Microsoft plans to replace stock options with restricted stock grants. Amazon. co. uk notes that all their employees are allocated a number of Amazon. com restricted stock units when they join. The Altria Group, Inc. points out in their annual report that "in 2003, we made equity awards in shares of restricted stock rather than fixed-price stock options". También se informó que Dell Computer Corp. Cendant Corp. y DaimlerChrysler AG se están moviendo hacia acciones restringidas en lugar de opciones sobre acciones.

Restricted Stock FAQ

If you have questions about restricted stock awards as a motivating form of compensation, see the Restricted Stock FAQ. Hay un FAQ comparable sobre las opciones comunes aquí.

Manage This Issue

Restricted stock awards are a better tool for motivating employees than stock options. Premios de acciones restringidas son mejores que las opciones de acciones para motivar a los empleados a pensar y actuar como propietarios. Las recompensas de acciones restringidas se tratan mejor en los estados financieros que las opciones sobre acciones. Esto hace que los premios de acciones restringidas sean mejores para los empleados, la administración, los inversionistas y los reguladores. No hay razón para no tomar esa decisión.

Understanding Restricted Stock Options

Job Events: Termination

Job Loss And Your Stock Grants (Part 1): Options, Restricted Stock, And ESPPs

Equipo editorial de myStockOptions

Whether it is expected or not, job loss is an upheaval that gives you a lot to think about. However, as you clear off your desk, don't forget your stock compensation. Too many departing employees have lost valuable potential gains because they were unaware of the post-termination rules—or even the vesting dates—of their stock grants. Las reglas posteriores a la terminación son especialmente importantes para las opciones de acciones adquiridas, que caducan para siempre si no se ejercen dentro de un cierto plazo breve después del fin del empleo. Sería una vergüenza perder la oportunidad de tener algún ingreso extra a bordo a medida que vaya, especialmente si usted está poniendo la vela en un mar sin horizonte de la búsqueda de empleo sin empleo.

Your company's rules for stock comp upon job loss are important. Don't miss a chance to gain some extra income on your way out.

Esta serie de artículos tiene como objetivo informarle sobre las prácticas corporativas comunes con la compensación de acciones cuando los empleados pierden sus puestos de trabajo. La Parte 1 explica las especificidades de las acciones / RSU restringidas, las opciones sobre acciones y los planes de compra de acciones de los empleados. La Parte 2 cubre aspectos generales importantes de la terminación de puestos de trabajo que se aplican a todas las donaciones de acciones. When you're ready, test your knowledge of job-termination issues with our quick quiz on stock compensation and job loss.

Above all, you must know your company's rules. Después de leer estos artículos, debe estudiar sus documentos de subvención de acciones y hacer preguntas a su administración de planes de acciones.

Alert: See your actual stock grant agreement. Cualquier carta de oferta o contrato de empleo, y otros materiales de la empresa acerca de su plan de acciones, tales como preguntas frecuentes. Esté atento a cualquier cosa confusa o inconsistente, y busque disposiciones incompatibles. Dirija preguntas acerca de estas cosas a su administración del plan de acciones.

Restricted Stock, RSUs, And Performance Shares: All About Vesting

With restricted stock and restricted stock units, upon job termination you almost always forfeit whatever stock has not vested. Pueden ocurrir excepciones, dependiendo de las condiciones de adquisición de su contrato de empleo o plan de acciones, tales como disposiciones especiales para discapacidad. Jubilación. O una adquisición.

Si usted está planeando irse, es posible que quiera quedarse el tiempo suficiente para obtener cualquier pronto-a-chaleco restringido stock / RSUs.

Usted conserva las acciones que hayan sido adquiridas antes de la fecha de terminación. Si usted está planeando dejar su trabajo, es posible que desee permanecer el tiempo suficiente para obtener cualquier valioso chuck de acciones restringidas / RSUs que pueden cobrar en un futuro próximo.

En ciertas situaciones (infrecuentes) en que pagó por las acciones restringidas, como puede ser el caso en una compañía privada donde ejerce opciones para obtener acciones restringidas, la compañía puede optar por recomprar sus acciones. Las reglas del impuesto sobre ganancias de capital se aplican a cualquier ganancia o pérdida en la compra. Si usted pierde las acciones, la retención de impuestos no será devuelta, y la pérdida en sí no provocará ninguna pérdida fiscal. La situación es similar si usted hizo una elección de la Sección 83 (b) (no disponible para RSUs) y pagó impuestos sobre el valor en la concesión.

Vesting es también el factor crucial para las subvenciones de rendimiento compartido en la terminación del trabajo, pero por supuesto con las acciones de rendimiento de la adquisición depende de la consecución de los objetivos de rendimiento declarado en lugar de una duración determinada de empleo. Cuando sale de su trabajo por razones estándar (por ejemplo, va a trabajar para otra empresa, ser despedido) antes del final del período de rendimiento, por lo general pierde todos los derechos para recibir la subvención, incluso si el objetivo parece muy obtenible. Si tiene subvenciones superpuestas o concurrentes pendientes, pierde el valor de todas ellas.

Otro escenario, aunque menos probable, es posible. En lugar de hacerle inelegible para cualquier parte del pago porque usted no está empleado al final del período de desempeño, el plan puede proveer que cualquier pago bajo premios pendientes puede estar basado en los resultados reales al final del período de desempeño como si Usted estuvo empleado durante todo el período. También es posible que la fecha para medir el desempeño cambie a la fecha en que usted termina, así que en ese caso usted todavía recibe parte proporcional del premio de acuerdo con el desempeño real a esa fecha o el desempeño al final del período. A continuación, perdería cualquier pago de la subvención que corresponda a la parte del período de rendimiento que se produce después de la terminación. Si su subvención tiene una escala móvil (es decir, puede obtener menos o más acciones que el número objetivo, dependiendo de los resultados), esperamos que su plan especifique a qué nivel se considerará que se ha producido el rendimiento.

Las reglas posteriores a la terminación son especialmente importantes para las opciones de acciones adquiridas, que caducan para siempre si no se ejercen dentro de un breve período de tiempo después de salir.

Stock Options: Know The Post-Termination Exercise Rules And Deadlines

In general, you have rights only to stock options that have already vested by your termination date. Si las opciones tienen un calendario de consolidación gradual, se le permite ejercer la parte adquirida de la concesión de opción, pero lo más común es que pierda el resto.

Example: You are granted options to buy 1,000 shares of your company's stock with a four-year graded vesting schedule (25% vesting per year). Dejas la empresa dos años y medio después de la concesión. You are allowed to exercise 50% of your options. El resto nunca será ejercitable.

Con el vesting del acantilado, en el cual las opciones se invierten de una vez y no en un cronograma incremental, usted pierde la concesión entera si usted sale antes de la adquisición.

Alerta: Si está planeando dejar su trabajo, debe familiarizarse con los detalles de su programa de consolidación. Es posible que desee retrasar su salida, si es posible, para dar cabida a un valioso trozo de opciones que se concederá en un futuro próximo.

How Much Time Will You Have To Exercise?

The importance of your post-termination exercise period cannot be stressed enough. While the typical timeframe is 90 days after termination, your period for exercise will be dictated by your employer's plan design and the reason for your termination. Si las opciones no se ejercen en la fecha especificada, caducan y se cancelan. Mientras que algunas compañías envían cartas registradas a los empleados salientes con el número de acciones que pueden comprar y el costo, junto con cuántos días tienen que ejercer las opciones, ninguna ley lo requiere. Es su obligación conocer su información personal de la subvención y los términos de su plan de acciones.

Alerta: Consulte su plan de opciones sobre acciones, acuerdo de subvención y otros materiales informativos para conocer las reglas y procedimientos del ejercicio de adquisición y posterior a la terminación.

Companies And Courts Strictly Follow Rules

Companies (and courts) strictly uphold corporate termination rules, procedures, and deadlines.

Las compañías respetan estas reglas, procedimientos y plazos muy estrictamente. Casos judiciales refuerzan el hecho de que el seguimiento de su compensación de acciones cuando usted deja su trabajo es enteramente su obligación. If you're curious, see the following rulings:

Porkert v. Chevron Corporation (US 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, No. 10-1384, Dec. 2011)

Mariasch v. Gillette (US 1st Circuit Court of Appeals, No. 07-1549, Mar. 2008)

Sheils v. Pfizer (US 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals, No. 04-3724, Sept. 2005)

It does not matter if you made an honest mistake or only narrowly missed a deadline. Además, no debe confiar en la información hablada acerca de su período de ejercicio posterior a la terminación. Sus documentos del plan de acciones y las declaraciones relacionadas son las únicas fuentes confiables y vinculantes que determinan cuánto tiempo tiene que ejercitar las opciones después de la terminación.

Alerta: Asegúrese de saber cuál es su fecha de terminación oficial, ya que esto comenzará el período de ejercicio posterior a la terminación. Además, este período de ejercicio posterior a la terminación no puede ir más allá del término natural de la opción.

Which Date Applies?

When measuring the post-termination exercise period, most companies' stock plans start the clock on the date of termination, meaning the actual end of employment status, not the date you give notice. Observe cómo (o si) su plan define la terminación, el empleo y el servicio continuo. También debe buscar detalles en su plan de acciones para obtener respuestas claras sobre las reglas del ejercicio posterior a la terminación. For example, do you lose your vested stock options on the day you terminate, or do you have a given number of days after termination to exercise them?

Employee Stock Purchase Plans

At job termination, you continue to own stock purchased under an ESPP during your employment. Sin embargo, su elegibilidad para participar en el plan termina. Cualquier fondo retenido de su salario pero no usado para comprar acciones antes del fin de su empleo será devuelto a usted, normalmente sin intereses, dentro de un período razonable.

With an ESPP, don't assume your company will keep pre-termination payroll deductions to continue buying shares for you till the purchase period ends. Pocas empresas lo hacen.

Para los planes que están sujetos a impuestos bajo la Sección 423 del IRC, el código de impuestos permite que su empresa mantenga las deducciones previas a la terminación del plan para comprar acciones cuando el período de compra termine (y la compra ocurra) no más de tres meses después de la fecha de terminación . Sin embargo, la mayoría de los planes no lo permiten, porque el ESPP está destinado a ser un beneficio para los empleados actuales. Esto significa que si su empleo termina antes de la fecha de compra, en la mayoría de los planes las acciones no se compran para usted sobre una base proporcional.

Ejemplo: Antes de salir de su empresa, las deducciones salariales ocurrieron durante dos meses, con un período de oferta de ESPP de seis meses. El dinero que usted pagó no se guarda para la compra al punto de seis meses.

En otras partes de este sitio web, las preguntas frecuentes sobre la terminación de empleo proporcionan más detalles sobre algunas de las situaciones y temas presentados en este artículo. Es posible que desee consultar a ellos también cuando usted desenterrar sus documentos de subvención de acciones.

Following this article's details on specific types of stock compensation, Part 2 covers general important aspects of job termination that apply to all stock grants, such as changes in employment relationship, the post-termination tax treatment, and severance issues.

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The Best of the Best: 5 Top Stocks for Short Term Gains

Stocks appear to be taking a breather after yesterdays aggressive gains.  Home prices fell in 20 cities, but the decline was less then expected lifting stock futures right before the opening bell.  It’s a tough call on what the day holds.

Regardless of conditions, short term stock traders need proven tools to help them find companies most likely to outperform over the next 5 days. Â Our Stock PowerRatings are one such tested and proven tool. Â Extensive statistically valid research into the inner nature of stock prices, since 1995, Â has proven that those stocks earning a 10 rating outperform others in the short term by a 14.7 to 1 margin.

Does this mean that every 10 rated stock will be a winner? Of course not, but it does clearly indicate that the odds are in your favor for out performance with top rated stocks. Â Our Stock PowerRatings screener kicked out some interesting 10 ranked names for this week. Â Here are the 5 top rated stocks for short term gains today:

Learn more strategies for trading stocks in the short term with a free trial to our PowerRatings! The highest rated stocks have outperformed the average stock by a margin of more than 14 to 1 after five days! Click here to launch your free PowerRatings trial today.

David Goodboy is Vice President of Business Development for a New York City based multi-strategy fund.

A cockle finish simulates characteristics of hand made paper with a wavy, rippled, puckered finish. El efecto se obtiene por secado al aire del papel bajo tensión mínima.

El fieltro es una textura suave en papel sin recubrimiento que se crea durante el proceso de fabricación de papel con un rodillo de fieltro o con un rodillo de goma con un patrón de fieltro que crea el acabado. También se puede realizar como un proceso sin conexión. El acabado de fieltro no afecta la resistencia del papel.

Un acabado brillante produce una superficie brillante y reflectante en uno o ambos lados de ciertos papeles revestidos. Un brillo más alto se observa normalmente en papeles revestidos de mayor calidad. El acabado brillante se produce a partir de compuestos añadidos durante el proceso de fabricación del papel.

Un final puesto tiene la apariencia de líneas translúcidas que se ejecutan horizontal y verticalmente en el papel. Se produce durante el proceso de fabricación de papel con un rodillo especial que crea el patrón en el papel húmedo.

El papel acabado de lino se asemeja a la tela de lino y se produce generalmente después del proceso de fabricación de papel como un proceso de estampado fuera de línea.

Un acabado en ciertos papeles revestidos que es suave pero da un aspecto opaco. Un acabado mate, así como otros tipos de papel estucado, son buenas opciones para trabajos de impresión en los que se requiere alta calidad.

Un acabado de papel que tiene un aspecto antiguo o antiguo y es el resultado de lavar el ácido sulfúrico sobre el papel y luego neutralizar rápidamente el lavado ácido. Este proceso funde las fibras de papel externas que llenan los vacíos en el resto del papel. El pergamino es muy durable y resistente a la grasa.

Un acabado liso es el resultado del papel que pasa a través de conjuntos de rodillos durante el proceso de fabricación de papel. Este proceso se conoce como calandrado.

Un final de la vitela tiene una apariencia de la cáscara de huevo y es constante y uniforme pero no tanto como un final liso. Vellum es uno de los acabados sin recubrimiento más populares y el papel con este acabado tiene una alta tasa de absorción de tinta.

Un acabado uniforme en papel sin recubrir con una ligera textura hecha por un rodillo de fieltro cubierto de alambre tejido.

Tipos Existencias sin revestir: El material no revestido es papel que no tiene pigmento recubierto aplicado para reducir la absorbencia o aumentar la suavidad. Existencias recubiertas: Un revestimiento tiene un recubrimiento superficial que se ha aplicado para hacer la superficie más receptiva para la reproducción de texto e imágenes con el fin de lograr un mayor detalle y una mayor densidad de color. Mediante la adición de un pigmento de arcilla recubierta, el objetivo de recubrir el material es mejorar la suavidad y reducir la absorbencia. Los acabados de papel revestido pueden clasificarse como mate, mate, fundido, brillo y alto brillo. The coating can be on both sides of the stock (coated two sides, "C2S") or on one side only (coated one side, "C1S"). Coatings added to groundwood papers give them a greater degree of permanency and the natural tendency for goundwood papers to yellow is reduced.

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Most companies give employees several choices when it comes to exercising stock options. Talk with the person in charge of the process, and make sure you have a good understanding of what's involved. Once you make a decision to exercise your vested stock options, you'll also need to consider the tax scenario that may result.

Employee stock options

Here are a few ways that you can exercise employee stock options:

Exercising stock options

Cashless method-- This method requires no cash outlay on your part, but it does require a brokerage account. Many companies that grant stock options open a brokerage account for this specific purpose. But if your company doesn't provide this service, it's easy to open an account at companies such as Fidelity, E*Trade, Charles Schwab and the like.

Your company will have the shares transferred to your account. You then sell the shares and pay the company the exercise price from the proceeds of the sale. Presumably, the current share price of the stock is above the exercise price so you don't need to sell all of the shares that are exercised. You can sell the net amount needed to cover the exercise price and, depending on your propensity to let money burn a hole in your pocket, it may be a good idea to put enough aside to cover taxes. If they're nonqualified stock options. your company will probably deduct the taxes. The brokerage will also deduct fees for its services.

Buy the shares -- Write a check for as many vested shares as you wish to purchase. You don't have to buy all vested shares at once. The company will have the shares transferred to your account.

Certificate -- If you don't have a brokerage account, and you don't want to open one, you can buy your shares and have a stock certificate issued to you. This is the type of document that should be kept in a safe-deposit box. But if the certificate is lost, another can be issued.

Up next: A look at tax scenarios that may result when you exercise or sell employee stock options.

-- Posted: May 9, 2006


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HistoricalOptionData. com lleva cotizaciones al final del día para todas las opciones de acciones de los mercados de renta variable de los Estados Unidos. Esto incluye cada acción, índice y ETF, para cada huelga y vencimiento. No llevamos opciones sobre futuros, materias primas o divisas o opciones para otros países.

¿Cuántos símbolos llevas?

Currently the number of stocks, indexes and ETFs that are optionable is approximately 4,085. Llevamos todas las opciones listadas para estos símbolos, para todas las huelgas y todas las fechas de caducidad. En un típico día de negociación, esto es alrededor de 620.000 contratos de opción distintos. Cada símbolo subyacente tiene un promedio de 150 contratos enumerados en un momento dado.

Do you carry intraday data?

No. All of our data is end of day data.

El conjunto de datos de opciones históricas cubre todos los símbolos que son opciones negociadas en el mercado de renta variable de los Estados Unidos.

A continuación se muestra una lista de los símbolos activos en noviembre de 2014 en las opciones negociadas.

Ten largest stock exchanges in the world by market capitalization in 2011:

1. New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) - Headquartered in New York City. Market Capitalization (2011, USD Billions) – 14,242; Trade Value (2011, USD Billions) – 20,161.

The largest stock exchange in the world by both market capitalization and trade value. NYSE is the premier listing venue for the world’s leading large - and medium-sized companies. Operated by NYSE Euronext, the holding company created by the combination of NYSE Group, Inc. and Euronext N. V. NYSE offers a broad and growin array of financial products and services in cash equities, futures, options, exchange-traded products (ETPs), bonds, market data, and commercial technology solutions. Featuring more than 8000 listed issues it includes 90% of the Dow Jones Industrial Average and 82% of the S&P 500 stock market indexes volume.

2. NASDAQ OMX - Headquartered in New York City. Market Capitalization (2011, USD Billions) - 4,687; Trade Value (2011, USD Billions) – 13,552.

Second largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalization and trade value. The exchange is owned by NASDAQ OMX Group which also owns and operates 24 markets, 3 clearinghouses and 5 central securities depositories supporting equities, options, fixed invome, derivatives, commodities, futures and structured products. It is a home to approximately 3,400 listed companies and its main index is the NASDAQ Composite, which has been published since its inception. Stock market is also followed by S&P 500 index.

3. Tokyo Stock Exchange - Headquartered in Tokyo. Market Capitalization (2011, USD Billions) – 3,325; Trade Value (2011, USD Billions) – 3,972.

Third largest stock exchange market in the world by aggregate market capitalization of its listed companies. It had 2,292 companies which are separated into the First Section for large companies, the Second Section for mid-sized companies, and the Mothers section for high growth startup companies. The main indices tracking Tokyo Stock Exchange are the Nikkei 225 index of companies selected by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, the TOPIX index based on the share prices of First Section companies, and the J30 index of large industrial companies. 94 domestic and 10 foreign securities companies participate in TSE trading. The London Stock Exchange and the Tokyo Stock Exchange are developing jointly traded products and share technology.

4. London Stock Exchange - Headquartered in London. Market Capitalization (2011, USD Billions) – 3,266; Trade Value (2011, USD Billions) – 2,871.

Located in London City, it is the oldest and fourth-largest stock exchange in the world. The Exchange was founded in 1801 and its current premises are situated in Paternoster Square close to St Paul’s Cathedral. It is the most international of all the world’s stock exchanges, with around 3,000 companies from over 70 countries admitted to trading on its markets. The London Stock Exchange runs several markets for listing, giving an opportunity for different sized companies to list. For the biggest companies exists the Premium Listed Main Market, while in terms of smaller SME’s the Stock Exchange operates the Alternative Investment Market and for international companies that fall outside the EU, it operates the Depository Receipt scheme as a way of listing and raising capital.

5. Shanghai Stock Exchange - Headquartered in Shanghai. Market Capitalization (2011, USD Billions) – 2,357; Trade Value (2011, USD Billions) – 3,658.

It is the world’s 5th largest stock market by market capitalization and one of the two stock exchanges operating independently in the People’s Republic of China. Unlike the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the SSE is not entirely open to foreign investors. The main reason is tight capital account controls by Chinese authorities. The securities listed at the SSE include the three main categories of stocks, bonds, and funds. Bonds traded on SSE include treasury bonds, corporate bonds, and convertible corporate bonds. The largest company in SSE is PetroChina (market value – 3,656.20 billion).

6. Hong Kong Stock Exchange - Headquartered in Hong Kong. Market Capitalization (2011, USD Billions) – 2,258; Trade Value (2011, USD Billions) – 1,447.

It is the third largest stock exchange in Asia and the sixth largest in the world in terms of market capitalization. Hong Kong Stock Exchange (SEHK) has about 1,477 listed companies and it operates securities market and a derivatives market in Hong Kong and the clearing houses for those markets. The three largest stocks by market capitalisation in Hong Kong Stock Exchange are PetroChina, Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, and China Mobile.

7. Toronto Stock Exchange - Headquartered in Toronto. Market Capitalization (2011, USD Billions) – 1,912; Trade Value (2011, USD Billions) – 1,542.

It is the largest stock exchange in Canada and the third largest in North America. Toronto Stock Exchange is owned by and operated as a subsidiary of the TMX Group for the trading of senior equities. A broad range of businesses from Canada, the United States, Europe, and other countries are represented on the exchange. The exchange lists conventional securities, exchange-traded funds, split share corporations, income trusts and investment funds. Toronto Stock Exchange is the leader in the mining and oil & gas sector, including such companies like Cameco Corporation, Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. EnCana Corporation, Husky Energy Inc. Imperial Oil Ltd. and others.

8. BM&F Bovespa - Headquartered in Sao Paulo. Market Capitalization (2011, USD Billions) – 1,229; Trade Value (2011, USD Billions) – 931.

Founded in 1890, today BM&F Bovespa is the largest stock exchange in South America and 8th largest in the world by market capitalization. It is the most important Brazilian institution to intermediate equity market transactions and the only securities, commodities and futures exchange in Brazil. BM&F Bovespa acts as a driver for the Brazilian capital markets. There are about 381 listed companies at Bovespa and its benchmark indicator is the Indice Bovespa.

9. Australian Securities Exchange - Headquartered in Sydney. Market Capitalization (2011, USD Billions) – 1,198; Trade Value (2011, USD Billions) – 1,197.

The Australian Securities Exchange is Australia’s primary securities exchange and it was created back in 2006 when the merger of Australian Stock Exchange and the Sydney Futures Exchange took place. Today Australian Securities Exchange is 9th largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalization and has an average daily turnover of 4,685 billion dollar. Products and services available for trading on ASX include shares, futures, exchange traded options, warrants, contracts for difference, exchange-traded funds, real estate investment trusts, listed investment companies and interest rate securities. The major market index is the S&P/ASX 200.

10. Deutsche Börse - Headquartered in Frankfurt. Market Capitalization (2011, USD Billions) – 1,185; Trade Value (2011, USD Billions) – 1,758.

Deutsche Börse is one of the world’s leading exchange organisations providing investors, financial institutions and companies access to global capital markets. The exchange covers the entire process chain from securities and derivatives trading, clearing, settlement and custody, through to market data and the development and operation of electronic trading system. Deutsche Börse has an approximately 765 listed companies with a combined market capitalization of 1,185 trillion USD.

China Bonds: Good for China, But Not Your Portfolio

While we don’t have China-related stocks in our portfolio now, I’ve followed China closely for years now. With the world’s second-largest economy since 2009, China has quickly become the bellwether for growth not only in the emerging markets, but the rest of the world. Even if you don’t actually own any Chinese stocks, China’s stock market […]

[Options Bootcamp] Want Market Crash Insurance?

We continue our “Options Boot Camp” with the remainder of an interview with options expert Jim Fink. Today, Jim discusses how to use options as an “insurance policy” against a market crash. Bob: Jim, given recent market turbulence many conservative investors are concerned about the possibility of another major market crash. Is buying options a good strategy […]

The Preferred Road to Income

acharney • February 26, 2016

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Disclaimer: Top Gun Options LLC ("Company") is not an investment advisory service, nor a registered investment advisor or broker-dealer and does not purport to tell or suggest which securities or currencies customers should buy or sell for themselves. Los contratistas independientes y los empleados o afiliados de la Compañía pueden ocupar posiciones en las acciones, monedas o industrias discutidas aquí. Comprende y reconoce que existe un grado muy alto de riesgo involucrado en la negociación de valores y / o divisas. La Compañía, los autores, el editor y todos los afiliados de la Compañía no asumen responsabilidad alguna por sus resultados de negociación y de inversión. Factual statements on the Company's website, or in its publications, are made as of the date stated and are subject to change without notice. No se debe asumir que los métodos, técnicas o indicadores presentados en estos productos serán rentables o que no darán lugar a pérdidas. Los resultados anteriores de cualquier comerciante individual o sistema de comercio publicado por la Compañía no son indicativos de futuros rendimientos por ese operador o sistema, y ​​no son indicativos de los rendimientos futuros que se realicen por usted. In addition, the indicators, strategies, columns, articles and all other features of Company's products (collectively, the "Information") are provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Examples presented on Company's website are for educational purposes only. Tales configuraciones no son solicitaciones de ninguna orden de compra o venta. Por lo tanto, no debe confiar únicamente en la Información al realizar ninguna inversión. Por el contrario, debe utilizar la información sólo como punto de partida para realizar investigaciones independientes adicionales con el fin de permitirle formar su propia opinión sobre las inversiones. Siempre debe consultar con su asesor financiero autorizado y asesor fiscal para determinar la idoneidad de cualquier inversión. Antes de realizar cualquier operación, debe consultar con un corredor con licencia o con un asesor de inversiones registrado, así como leer las características y los riesgos de las opciones estandarizadas. Elimine todos los nombres y símbolos de las acciones de las comunicaciones. HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS ("PAPER OR VIRTUALTRADING") IN THE MODEL PORTFOLIOS HAVE CERTAIN INHERENT LIMITATIONS. DESCONOCIDO UN REGISTRO DE RENDIMIENTO REAL, LOS RESULTADOS SIMULADOS NO REPRESENTAN NEGOCIOS REALES Y PUEDEN NO SER IMPACTADOS POR CORREGIR Y OTRAS HONORARIOS DE SLIPPAGE. ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT ACTUALLY BEEN EXECUTED WITH CAPITAL, THE RESULTS MAY HAVE UNDER - OR OVER-COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS, SUCH AS LACK OF LIQUIDITY. LOS PROGRAMAS DE COMERCIO SIMULADOS EN GENERAL ESTÁN SUJETOS AL FACTOR DE QUE SEAN DISEÑADOS CON EL BENEFICIO DE HINDSIGHT. NO SE HACE NINGUNA REPRESENTACIÓN QUE CUALQUIER CUENTA TENDRÁ O SERÁ PROBABLE A LOGRAR BENEFICIOS O PÉRDIDAS SIMILARES A LOS MOSTRADOS. Top Gun Options LLC, 434 NW 1st Ave. Ste 601 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 Copyright © Top Gun Options LLC, 2016.


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How to Hedge Your Stock Portfolio

February 23, 2013

The hedge preserves the edge.

If you hedge too much, you naturally dull the edge, so the challenge is to find a delicate equilibrium: How much risk are you willing to absorb in pursuit of a specific level of returns?

This is a leading investor concern. Last week, we recommended buying puts on the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust SPY 0.5787208784686155% SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust U. S. NYSE Arca 203.34 1.17 0.5787208784686155% /Date(1458162000254-0500)/ Volume (Delayed 15m). 119860676 AFTER HOURS 203.5 0.16 0.07868594472312383% Volume (Delayed 15m). 9442503 P/E Ratio N/A Market Cap N/A Dividend Yield 2.383298908232517% Rev. per Employee N/A More quote details and news » SPY in Your Value Your Change Short position (ticker: SPY) to hedge a $500,000 stock portfolio against a near-term market decline. The column sparked an avalanche of e-mails and inquires from readers eager to learn how many puts to purchase to hedge their equity holdings.

IN ADDITION, THE RELEASE of minutes from the Federal Reserve's policy-setting committee, indicating that the central bank is debating an early end to its easy-money policies, spooked some investors and sent the CBOE Volatility Index—the VIX, or market-fear gauge—surging higher in anticipation of a stock-market correction.

Michael Schwartz, Oppenheimer & Co.'s chief options strategist, says that his clients' top question is: How many puts should be bought to hedge my portfolio?

Our recommended hedge, courtesy of Belmont Capital's Stephen Solaka, was to buy 32 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust March 150 puts and sell 32 March 145 puts when the exchange-traded fund hit $152. The hedge still works. SPY is at 1500, a major market support level, so any declines below that could cause the hedge's value to surge.

Last week's column also prompted readers to send me their own hedges for review. While I don't give private investment advice, sharing tricks of the trade is another matter.

The formula for determining how many contracts are needed is fairly simple. Divide your holdings' value by the put strike price times 100. Round the final number because the answer might include a fractional contract. For more detail, visit the Chicago Board Options Exchange's Website, which includes the formula and some additional information. The site is http://www. cboe. com/Strategies/IndexOptions/BuyIndexPutstoHedge/part7.aspx .

The formula may lead you to believe hedging is somewhat scientific. It is not. Hedging is an art.

Few investors ever hedge their portfolios against a complete loss of value. A total hedge is usually too expensive, and besides the chance that stocks will drop to zero is—knock on wood—very low. So investors generally try to determine how much pain they'd be willing to suffer if the market were to tank. Two related questions to ask yourself: Do you indeed expect the stock market to slide? And, if you do: When do you think the decline will occur?

The March 1 sequestration deadline, when $1 trillion might be cut from the federal government's budget, is a potential event against which many people are starting to hedge. And when you hedge, think about packing as many market-moving events as possible into the expiration.

Some investors buy tactical, three-month hedges because they are less expensive than hedges for an entire year and capture short-term market-moving economic reports. Sometimes, they're even long enough to cover an entire corporate earnings season.

ANOTHER POINT IS SOMEWHAT obvious, but nonetheless trips up many investors: Hedge your portfolio against its benchmark. If your holdings are large-capitalization issues, use the Standard & Poor's 500's options, or SPDR S&P 500 ETF puts, which track the benchmark index. Don't hedge with a small-cap stock index.

How urgent is it to consider hedging? With the VIX around 15, hedging is relatively inexpensive. But that will quickly change should Congress do nothing to address the sequestration deadline.


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Tradingview. com Review

Tradingview. com is a modern day financial and stock charting program that is exceptionally fast, reliable, and simple to use. Lo que lo hace más especial que es libre de usar y cualquiera puede usarlo sin pagar un solo centavo. Cuando se trata de programas de cartera de valores y financieros, la mayoría del programa de cartografía no se centran en cuestiones centrales y los servicios no pueden mantenerse al día con la última tecnología. Unlike many stock charting programs, tradingview. com is not at all based upon conventional technologies like Silverlight, flash, or Java. Estas tecnologías no son compatibles con las últimas tendencias, ya que la mayoría de la gente está navegando en dispositivos de alta tecnología, incluidos teléfonos inteligentes y tabletas, y han descargado computadoras para ver gráficos. Los modernos gadgets no son compatibles con las viejas tecnologías y ahí es donde surge el problema.

Tradingview. com is based on HTML5, the newest technology incorporated in modern day gadgets that are supported on all major platforms and OS. El programa se ejecuta sin problemas en el navegador de todos los dispositivos, incluyendo ulrabooks, tabletas y teléfonos inteligentes. The area for charting and tools in tradingview. com are quite similar to most of the charting programs where tools and located on left and above of the charting area. Los rangos de precios diarios se actualizan en tiempo real. Estos rangos de precios se muestran en forma de una diapositiva horizontal. Este widget es bastante impresionante, ya que los usuarios pueden ver los últimos rangos de precios en forma de control deslizante. Hay widget de título donde se muestran las últimas actualizaciones sobre Forex y acciones. Los usuarios pueden personalizar este widget para incorporar las actualizaciones que desean ver. Hay otra característica atractiva llamada el widget de conversación que es bastante útil cuando el usuario tiene que revisar los gráficos durante largos períodos. A continuación, pueden hacer uso de este widget para chatear con otros comerciantes profesionales e inversores que están viendo la misma herramienta.

Hay pocos botones colocados en la barra de herramientas inferior para almacenar y lanzar cartas. También hay botones para tomar capturas de pantalla y compartir información en Twitter. Los usuarios pueden tomar capturas de pantalla y luego compartir las imágenes en perfiles de Twitter. Otra característica notable es el botón para "Publicar idea". Upon pressing the button, users can publish their complete chart on tradingview. com. Este gráfico publicado puede ser visto por otros expertos dentro de la comunidad profesional y las opiniones pueden ser compartidas en relación con el comercio y la inversión. Esta característica es bastante atractiva, ya que añade un elemento social a la plataforma con la ayuda de que los comerciantes y los inversores pueden compartir ideas y opiniones y hacer nuevas conexiones y contactos en la industria.

Tradingview. com comes with a strong support that helps users to learn about new updates features added time to time. Lo que es adorado por los usuarios son la integración de medios sociales y "publicar" opción que permite al usuario interactuar con otros profesionales en el mercado y tomar su opinión de expertos y consejos. Los usuarios pueden agregar varias herramientas diferentes en los gráficos para hacer comparaciones. Tradingview. com is by far the most trusted financial and stock charting platform available online.

FreesStockCharts. com Review

Freestockcharts. com which was earlier known as bestfreecharts. com is considered to be one of the most reliable and top quality stock charting software till date. El software está por delante de la mayoría de los demás servicios de software de gráfico de acciones que son dirigidos por el corredor en la web. Aparte de ser poco confiable mayoría de los servicios de gráfico de valores son más allá de costosos. Aquellos que dependen de Yahoo Finance se están quedando atrás y están perdiendo algo grande. Estos programas para revisar los precios de las acciones se han quedado obsoletos, ya que muchos nuevos servicios modificados y de alta tecnología han sido lanzados. The company that launched freestockcharts. com started off with stock chart software services back in year 2007 with a package called Telechart known otherwise as TCnet and made it free for the use of public. Para la mayoría de los profesionales y expertos que trabajan en el área de acciones y comercio, Telechart 2007 fue la opción favorita para la cartografía de valores.

Freestockcharts. com has a database filled with more than seven thousand stocks. Proporciona gráficos de acciones en tiempo real e información relacionada para más de siete mil acciones estadounidenses, pocos mercados extranjeros populares, todos los pares de divisas grandes y datos internos del mercado. El software de cartas enormes listas de vigilancia de las poblaciones en las que la gente muestra interés y muestra todas las alteraciones del precio en tiempo real. Freestockcharts. com is a browser based stock chart software that works directly in the computer’s web browser. No hay necesidad de descargar, instalar y actualizar el software. Hoy en día es la era de la computación en la nube donde el software principal y de alta calidad se incrustan en un servidor y los usuarios pueden acceder desde cualquier lugar del mundo a través de sus navegadores web. People just need to open their browser and start using freestockcharts. com’s services online without any hassle.

With freestockscharts. com, users can get access to their own watch-list and configurations pertaining to charts over the web while sitting at their home. Los usuarios tienen que registrarse para una cuenta libre de costo para alterar y adaptar los ajustes de acuerdo a sus necesidades y después de hacer eso; a user will get all his updates saved automatically. Si los usuarios intentan agregar indicadores específicos en un gráfico en particular, se ahorrarán esas líneas de tendencia e indicadores. Freestockcharts. com enable the users to view their charts from any device from anywhere in the world. Además de los gráficos, también se puede acceder a las listas de vigilancia desde cualquier dispositivo y no es necesario iniciar sesión en el mismo dispositivo con el que guardó la configuración. Se puede acceder a todos los gráficos y listas de stocks guardados a medida que se guardan en un servidor y todo lo que se requiere es un ordenador, una tableta o un teléfono inteligente con una conexión de Internet activa para acceder a la cuenta y guardar los datos.

Freestockcharts. com is simple and easy to use and there is a variety of options to alter the appearance of the charts. Los usuarios pueden seleccionar entre una gama de estilos de trazado estándar como HLC, gráficos de barras, gráficos de área, gráficos de líneas, OHLC, cartas de velas y muchos más. Además, los usuarios pueden hacer uso de un número de maneras de ver sus cartas incluyendo marcos de tiempo intradiarios y marcos de tiempo diarios. El software ofrece 25 herramientas para trazar los 68 indicadores más utilizados. Freestockcharts. com with a number of such impressive features is the most recommendable stock charting software for professionals in Forex industry.

StockCharts. com Review

Stockcharts. com is said to offer the most effective stock charting services over the web for free. Esta plataforma ofrece gráficos de la comunidad y actualizaciones de los expertos del mercado de valores que son muy útiles para los novatos. Las actualizaciones se ocupan de las condiciones generales del mercado y se centra menos en acciones específicas y las operaciones financieras ya menudo hacen uso de las acciones de la empresa para verificar las teorías de nivel avanzado del mercado. Cotizaciones en tiempo real y cotizaciones financieras, junto con los mensajes relacionados con el mercado mejorar la experiencia de comercio en Forex. A number of experts and professionals have been using the services offered by stockcharts. com over the web and many have subscribed to the John’s stockcharts services. These services enhance the accuracy and level of comprehension of the users pertaining to stock and financial trading and charts displayed improve the users’ understanding of key stock concepts.

With stockcharts. com users do not get stock picks but get the opportunity to view detailed and huge stock charts that can be studied for better understanding. Unlike small graphics with little number of indicators, the charts provided by stockcharts. com come with great detail so that beginners can quickly comprehend the key details. Stockcharts. com charges user with subscription fee but there is also a free version that comes with less features. El paquete completo viene con gráficos de acciones enormes, información en tiempo real relacionados, y un montón de indicadores que son por qué la mayoría de los usuarios prefieren pagar el dinero y obtener más ventajas. Aquellos que son reacios a pagar dinero todavía puede utilizar la versión gratuita para obtener conocimientos básicos y básicos sobre las acciones y el comercio financiero y la inversión en la web.

Stockcharts. com allows users to annotate the charts that are very helpful for finding trends and channels. The drag and drop tool is adored by the users and the option for utilizing multiple line thickness along with a range of colors and dashes are some of the notable features offered by stockcharts. com. Los gráficos de existencias se pueden almacenar y compartir con expertos en la comunidad y una vez que los gráficos se guardan, todos los datos relacionados se actualiza automáticamente permitiendo a los usuarios ver la evolución de sus teorías.

La plataforma viene con todos los indicadores de uso común que la mayoría de los usuarios les gusta usar. El programa también permite a los usuarios seleccionar de una variedad de colores para los indicadores. Los usuarios pueden agregar el indicador de precio detrás de sus gráficos y empezar a pasar el símbolo como desee. Esta función es similar a la función de comparación en la mayoría de los otros programas de gráficos de valores. Another noteworthy feature embedded in stockcharts. com is the chart-school. La característica es libre de usar para permitir que los principiantes aprendan los fundamentos sobre el mercado de acción sin firmar para arriba para una cuenta.

El motor de escaneo es otra característica atractiva que permite a los usuarios agregar fórmulas, ejecutar y obtener una lista detallada de las existencias que cumplan los criterios de la población mencionada por el usuario.

Stockcharts. com is an impressive fundamental stock charting program to be used for regular investment and trading in the stock and financial industry.

ChartIQ. com Review

Chartiq. com is considered to be the sole charting services offering a set of social stock market tools for technical analysis that are designed exclusively for web, smartphones, and tablets. Los productos ofrecidos por la plataforma son utilizados por inversionistas profesionales, comerciantes y corredores y están registrados por sitios financieros populares y servicios de corretaje y muchas organizaciones de tecnología de gran tamaño. ChartIQ. com has recently released their app for iOS and it has been a huge success since the day of launch. The products and services offered by chartIQ. com are pretty simple and impressive. El mercado está inundado con las aplicaciones de gráficos de valores, pero la mayoría de ellos tienen graves inconvenientes y las deficiencias y se basan en tecnologías anticuadas como Java y Silverlight. Estas tecnologías no son compatibles con gadgets modernos como tabletas y teléfonos inteligentes que son comúnmente utilizados por la mayoría de la gente hoy en día para ver sitios web.

ChartIQ. com has been built using the latest technology supported by all latest tablets and smartphones. La aplicación bien diseñada permite a los usuarios ver gráficos de acciones con gran comodidad en el camino. También hay una herramienta de aprendizaje incorporada en la aplicación que permite a los usuarios retroceder y ver varios tipos de escenarios, incluyendo breakouts, mercados agitados, bloqueos y mercados de tendencias. Los usuarios pueden aprender a manejar prácticamente estos escenarios. There are many packages and apps for charting but nothing compares to the elegance of the chartIQ. com.

ChartIQ. com allows the users to share their technical analysis of the stock charts with the social community of professional experts in an interactive way. La plataforma ha desarrollado una gama de visualizaciones de datos innovadoras para visualizar gráficos y datos con bastante facilidad en diferentes dispositivos. ChartIQ. com is designed and developed for professional stock traders, investors, and expert chartists and offers a variety of indicators, tools, and features which are unmatchable.

ChartIQ. com offers top quality stock data and charts free of cost and affordable subscriptions for real time and provides intraday data with precision. El cliente cotiza killer feature combine con stock-twists es una opción atractiva para los comerciantes. Los usuarios pueden chatear con expertos en el sector financiero en una comunidad de más de 150.000 miembros que comparten opiniones sobre las finanzas y el mercado de valores. ChartIQ. comallows users to view, conduct search, and take part in the discussions with the help of the stock-twist panel.

Otras características notables incluyen la creación de listas de vigilancia ilimitadas y instantánea voltear a través de las cartas. Los gráficos y las listas de vigilancia se pueden invertir rápidamente en el iPad y el teléfono inteligente, ya que los gráficos están optimizados para las plataformas de pantalla táctil. Users can pinch to zoom, go back to history, and get a clear view of their stock charts, thanks to the latest technology incorporated by ChartsIQ. com. Una gama completa de herramientas e indicadores para el análisis técnico se ofrece junto con herramientas de dibujo para ser utilizado en dispositivos de pantalla táctil. Las herramientas y los indicadores se pueden personalizar en una variedad de colores según lo desean los usuarios que hacen las cartas de visualización absolutamente diversión.

ChartIQ. com offers the most elegant and clean app for getting an obstructed view of detailed stock carts on modern gadgets including tabs, ultrabooks, and smartphones.


Maybe the best free desktop stock ticker, Free Stock Ticker provides an unlimited amount of symbols and near real-time price data. Using Yahoo! Finance as its data engine, Free Stock Ticker is fully customizable and can be resized to work on any desktop configuration. It offers an adjustable scroll speed and updates automatically.

Yahoo! Stock Ticker

While we're on the subject of Yahoo! Finance, Yahoo! offers their own desktop stock ticker. Boasting a different look and feel than Free Stock Ticker, Yahoo! Stock Ticker is more like a CNBC summary screen. Obviously based on the Yahoo! Finance engine, the quotes are near real time.


If you're looking for a funky, but very functional, desktop stock ticker then CoolTick might be just the ticket. Offering many different fonts and alarm bells that go off when a high or low is achieved, CoolTick is a very popular desktop stock ticker. The one drawback to the free version is that it is limited to only two stock symbols. By registering the shareware and paying a one-time $19.95 fee, the software is unlocked and will display an unlimited number of symbols.

Ticker Tape

Another cool program is Ticker Tape. Ticker Tape does what every other desktop stock ticker does with two unique upgrades. Ticker Tape enables users to communicate with other investors through the ticker program, and it offers a portfolio tracking feature that keeps total portfolio values updated constantly. The ticker program can be used without registering, but users must register to have access to the communications features of the program. Registration is free.

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Tag Archives: stocks

Stock futures are higher on a ceasefire that isn't really a cease fire because Russia was never at war with Ukraine in the first place. got that?

Here are a few articles, notes that I am starting my day off with. Enjoy:

Back in 1986, when celebrity nude photographs came in 16 pixels of black and white, a game called Bubble Bobble was released.

The game was a true hit and if you ever bore of slicing up fruit, or lining up fake candy all day long on your smart phone, I'm sure you can find a version of it online to play. Some 20+ years later the game still rings a bell in this old head of mine and it is a classic. we were just as good at making mind dumbing video games back then as we are today. also the Bubble Theme seamlessly melds the stock market into focus. What better way to draw in some bearish eyes. "BUBBLE" forget the Bobble! ¡Brillante! I knew there was a reason I was writing about it.

The markets got clobbered today with the S&P 500 down some 2% and small caps down even more than that. ¿Adivina qué? Every dip since the March 2009 lows have been a great buying opportunity. Is this the dip that doesn't get bought? Are we on the precipice of a major market reversal? Is the trend now heading the other direction?

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8 Best Ruger 10/22 Replacement Stocks

Ruger’s 10/22 semi-automatic .22 LR rifle is one of the most user-modified guns in the world, so there are more aftermarket accessories and equipment made for it than for almost any other firearm model. One of the most common modifications made to the 10/22 is to switch out the factory stock with one of the numerous aftermarket options—and when I say numerous, I mean it.

Hay selecciones que van desde esqueletizado, paracaidista de estilo plegable stocks a sporter y caza de estilo de las entradas, todo el camino a grandes, sólido banco de tipo de acciones. Prices run from less than $100 to more than $400. I’ve tried a bunch of stocks on my personal rifle over the years, and here are eight of the most popular Ruger 10/22 replacement stocks.

Hogue OverMolded Rubber

The Hogue OverMolded Rubber stock is my all-around favorite because it’s so comfortable. Occasionally, I’ll try a more specialized stock for certain applications, but for the most part, I keep this one installed on the 10/22 all the time. Su cuerpo de fibra de vidrio interno proporciona un soporte sólido, y su peso ligero facilita el transporte. La piel exterior está disponible en caucho acolchado o nylon, ambos proporcionan un agarre antideslizante. Las existencias están completamente enchufadas para la instalación de la instalación, y Hogue ofrece modelos para adaptarse a los barriles estándar de fábrica y barriles de toro (0,92 pulgadas). Features include: a straight comb; a rubber recoil pad; a wide, varmint-style fore-end; dual palmswells; a recurve pistol grip; and front and rear sling-swivel studs. El agarre y el extremo delantero tienen una textura de adoquín.

Slide Fire SSAR-22

Speaking of specialized stocks, this one has to be the most fun of the bunch because it transforms the semi-automatic 10/22 into a rapid-firing, bump-fire gun. The Slide Fire SSAR-22 kit includes an OGR stock, chassis system platform, handguard with an integrated Picatinny rail, interface block, nut retainer, hex key and mounting hardware. Also included are a custom Slide Fire 3-pound, match-grade trigger; an A2 pistol grip; and a collapsible M4 buttstock for converting the 10/22 to a standard M4 configuration. El kit SSAR-22 está fabricado en los Estados Unidos y construido con polímero reforzado de alta resistencia, e instala sin modificaciones permanentes en su 10/22. It’s available in right - and left-hand models.

Not long ago, I didn’t understand the value of a thumbhole stock. Eso fue hasta que empecé a usar uno en otro rimfire rifle. I have come to appreciate this style of stock—especially for offhand shooting—and Stocky's Stinger laminate thumbhole stock is a real eye-catcher. The Stinger’s unique fore-end has a free-float design, but also offers a firm hand hold or a steady rest. Acepta barriles de toro o estándar. La culata es esqueletizada para la máxima reducción de peso sin sacrificar la estabilidad o comodidad. La longitud total es de 26 pulgadas y la longitud del tirón es de 13,75 pulgadas. El peso es 32 onzas. El stock de alto brillo está disponible en bosque, jacarandá, rojo, azul, verde y marrón.

TacStar Adaptive Tactical

One of the newest 10/22 aftermarket stock offerings is the TacStar Adaptive Tactical Stock. a joint venture with Lyman Products. Este material sintético viene en negro o Legends, Muddy Girl o Kryptek camo acabados, y cuenta con un inserto de barril extraíble que acomoda barriles cónicos estándar, así como barriles de toro (0,92 pulgadas), sin vacíos antiestéticos. The stock also has a reversible Stowaway rail in the fore-end—for a bipod or other accessories—and an M4-type collapsible buttstock with built-in storage compartments for two extra 10/22 magazines. Plus, the stock’s grip will accept an optional TacTRED monopod.

Price: $129.95 (black); $164.95 (camo)

Boyds' SS Evolution

The new lightweight SS Evolution from Boyds' is an ambidextrous thumbhole stock. No hay contacto de extremo con el barril, por lo que el stock aceptará todos los contornos del barril: ligero, sporter o varmint. El ángulo de agarre permite que su mano asuma una posición natural, y el palmswell en cualquier lado proporciona un apretón cómodo. Una almohadilla de recubrimiento de goma de 1/2-pulgada ofrece hombros no deslizantes. El SS Evolution está hecho de Stratabond laminado y cuenta con un laboratorio de ácido a base de satinado para resistir los productos químicos y el clima adverso. It’s available in several colors. La longitud total es 27 pulgadas, y la longitud del tirón es 13.75 pulgadas. El peso es de aproximadamente 2 libras.

Red Jacket ZK-22 Bullpup

The Red Jacket ZK-22 Bullpup drop-in stock is one of the most distinctive 10/22 stock options, and it turns your 10/22 into a short, compact bullpup. El kit acepta cualquier receptor estándar Ruger 10/22 con barril de carabina o barril de toro de 0.92 pulgadas, 18.5 pulgadas o más (se incluyen adaptadores). Las características incluyen una manija de carga ambidextrous, montajes del punto de la honda, seguridad y lanzamiento del compartimiento, seguridad del disparador integral, sistema del carril para las ópticas de montaje u otros accesorios, y una interfaz ajustable del disparador. Se incluye un deflector de carcasa para un uso ambidiestro completo.

West One M1 Carbine

Some time ago, Shooting Times Gunsmithing Editor Reid Coffield modified a standard 10/22 to replicate the classic M1 Carbine. It was a popular report, and you can now have a similar carbine without all the custom fitting he performed with the West One M1 Carbine replacement stock. El ajuste de caída es fácil para cualquier acción de 10/22 con el cañón cónico de 18,5 pulgadas estándar, pero se requiere modificación para ajustar 10 / 22s con barriles compactos de 16 pulgadas o barriles de 20 pulgadas. The USGI model is stained to replicate the dark red-brown color of the original M1 Carbine’s tung oil finish. El acabado se protege con un sellador de poliuretano. El modelo Natural recibe sellador de poliuretano solamente, y la madera es un color rubio claro. Las características en ambos modelos incluyen un Parkerized, buttplate de acero estampado con ranuras antislip horizontales, el lazo de sling-swivel, el handguard superior, y la venda de barril.

Bell and Carlson Odyssey

The adjustable Bell and Carlson Odyssey target stock helps improve accuracy by allowing the shooter to adjust the stock fit for maximum comfort. Su apretón vertical y el peine alto colocan el ojo en la posición para la alineación apropiada del alcance y el alivio máximo del ojo. El conjunto del extremo es totalmente ajustable para la altura en el peine y la longitud del tirón, e incluye un cojín de goma del retroceso. La empuñadura y la parte delantera tienen superficies con textura y molduras finas. El fondo plano y la parte delantera cónica evitan el desplazamiento, lo que aumenta la estabilidad del reposapiés. La construcción compuesta es de fibra de vidrio con Kevlar y grafito y está diseñado para ser estable en todas las condiciones climáticas. Acepta contornos de barril pesados ​​de hasta 0,92 pulgadas de diámetro. La longitud es 27.5 pulgadas, y el peso es 3 libras, 5 onzas.

the tapco intrafuse is the best 10/22 stock by far, compared to these… idk how it didn’t make the list!

I love the Hogue over mold stock too. However if you really wanted the best on this list, you can’t beat the McMillan Ruger 10/22 Fiberglass Sporter Stock. Rimfire Sports used to sell it for under $400. Believe me I know the price is crazy expensive but don’t judge my opinion until you hold it with a light weight barrel. Trust me, I never wanted to spend so much money so fast for my 10/22 in my life. Luckily my wife talked me out of buying it, but it was exactly the style I wanted. But for the price you can’t beat Hogue. I just wish Hogue would have an enhanced cheek rest like the McMillan and I would be so happy.

I didn’t have anyone to talk me out of that McMillan Fiberglass, although I got the Thumbhole and absolutely love it! I’d order another in a heartbeat for my other 10/22 if they weren’t so expensive! I think I’m going to try the Boyd’s Laminated version this time around at 1/4 of the price.

Yep the thumbhole stocks are beautiful and comfortable. I have owned many of the stocks for the Ruger 10/22. The Yukon Extreme stock was my favorite laminate but I also had the Richards Mircofit “Tac Driver” Silhouette Stock. I stopped using laminate stocks because they just aren’t practical for hunting. Though they will do the job you will feel like your gun is a bit too fancy for killing rabbits. However, the Hogue is perfect its light weight, does not look too fancy, rugged and feels great.

I have a McMillan Ruger 10/22 Fiberglass Thumbhole Stock for sale at 450 dollars plus 20 for shipping in the US. i have pictures kingj. amt@gmail. com

The TROY T-22 stock is sweet also, all metal. Also the Archangel stocks are ones to look a too. They should redo this article with all the ones they are missing. 22s are getting super popular these days with all shooters, lot of people coming back to them because its where they started and was the most fun, they need more .22 articles.

you guys should look at a new company that is just launching called X Stock, you will not be disappointed.

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Stock Price Pinning at Options Expiration?

A reader asked: “Do you have any research on the phenomenon of ‘pinning’ during options expiration? The theory is that there is a Max Pain price where options sellers stand to lose the least, and that they manipulate prices towards these levels.” A search of the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) separately for “pinning” and “expiration” yields the following studies, in descending order of number of downloads:

“Stock Price Clustering on Option Expiration Dates” from August 2004: “This paper presents striking evidence that option trading changes the prices of underlying stocks. In particular, we show that on expiration dates the closing prices of stocks with listed options cluster at option strike prices. On each expiration date, the returns of optionable stocks are altered by an average of at least 16.5 basis points, which translates into aggregate market capitalization shifts on the order of $9 billion. We provide evidence that hedge re-balancing by option market-makers and stock price manipulation by firm proprietary traders contribute to the clustering.”

“The Effects of Option Expiration on NSE Volume and Prices” from November 2004: “This paper studies the effect of stock options expiration day on the underlying shares traded on the National Stock Exchange (NSE). Overall we tested for abnormal trading volume, abnormal price movement, individual stock reversal and stock pinning on expiration days. To the best of our knowledge, this is a first such study done on the Indian market.” Within the paper there is the following statement (underlining added): “ Stock pinning behavior on expiration days also was not suggested by the data for the five stocks considered …”

“A Market-Induced Mechanism for Stock Pinning” from November 2003: “We propose a model to describe stock pinning on option expiration dates. We argue that if the open interest in a particular contract is unusually large, Delta-hedging in aggregate by floor market-makers can impact the stock price and drive it to the strike price of the option. We derive a stochastic differential equation for the stock price which has a singular drift that accounts for the price-impact of Delta-hedging. According to this model, the stock price has a finite probability of pinning at a strike. We calculate analytically and numerically this probability in terms of the volatility of the stock, the time-to-maturity, the open interest for the option under consideration and a “price-elasticity” constant that models price impact.”

“Modeling Stock Pinning” from July 2006: “The paper investigates the effect of hedging strategies on the so called pinning effect, i. e. the tendency of stock’s prices to close near the strike price of heavily traded options as the expiration date nears. In the paper we extend the analysis of Avellaneda and Lipkin (2003) who propose an explanation of stock pinning in terms of delta hedging strategies for long option positions. We adopt a model introduced by Frey and Stremme (1997) and show that in this case pinning is driven by two effects: a hedging dependent drift term that pushes the stock price toward the strike price and a hedging dependent volatility term that constrains the stock price near the strike as it approaches it. Finally we show that pinning can be generated by dynamic hedging strategies under more realistic market conditions by simulating trading in a double auction model.”

The first paper is probably the most relevant, but the stock price distortions it describes appear to be too small for exploitation, at least by individual traders. Moreover, the ascendancy of high-frequency trading (acceleration of dynamic hedging) since the sample periods used in these studies may have affected the speeds with which prices react to any apparent imbalances between options and their underlying assets.

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Best Technical Indicators – Learn The Stair Step Method

Learn How To Use Some Of The Best Technical Indicators To Swing Trade Stocks

Yesterday I demonstrated how to take a simple stochastic indicator and create one of the best technical indicators for short term trading. Today I’m going to expand and show you another entry method using the same indicator and the same settings. If you have not read yesterday’s article or have not seen the video, there’s a link to both at the bottom of this page for you to review.

Solid Technical Analysis Indicators Do Not Have To Be Complex

This entry strategy is called the stair step method and uses the modified stochastic indicator to measure retracements away from the trend. Para revisar, debe cambiar la configuración en el Indicador estocástico de 14 barras a 5 barras para la línea lenta y dejar la línea rápida en 3 como es. Esta ligera modificación es necesaria para el turbo cargador del estocástico para el comercio a corto plazo y crea uno de los mejores indicadores técnicos para el mercado a corto plazo oscilaciones.

Pick Stocks Or Other Markets That Are Technically Trending Strongly

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you select stocks or any other market that’s trending strongly. Si necesita algunos consejos básicos para encontrar mercados de tendencia o lo que califica como un mercado de tendencias, puede revisar varios vídeos que creé anteriormente y que demuestren este paso. El Indicador Estocástico funciona mucho mejor para retractos que para recoger tapas y fondos. Therefore you want to find a stock or any other market that’s trending strongly either up or down.

Lo que queremos ver es el Indicador Estocástico creando un patrón de doble fondo. La única advertencia es que el segundo fondo tiene que ser más alto que el primer fondo. Ambos tienen que estar por debajo de 20, pero el segundo tiene que ser más alto que el primero. También debe haber divergencia entre el segundo fondo y el mercado que está negociando, en Inglés claro esto significa que el stock u otro mercado que está negociando no debe caer mucho en comparación con el indicador. Here’s an example so you can see what I mean.

The modified Stochastic Indicator makes a second bottom but it’s not as low as the first one.

Notice the strong divergence between stock’s price and the indicator; this is the type of divergence you want to see.

Otro gran ejemplo del método Stair Step en acción.

El estocástico cae por debajo de 20 pero el stock apenas perdió 2 puntos, esta es una buena divergencia entre el indicador y el stock. El segundo bajo es más alto también.

La segunda cima está por encima de 80 pero aún más baja que la primera.

En el ejemplo a continuación se puede ver cómo funciona la Estrategia de Escalones de Escalones con tendencias de las existencias hacia abajo. You can tell by looking at Big Blue that the second high is lower but still manages to go above 80. Also notice how IBM barely rises while the indicator hits bought level, this is the divergence I’m talking about. Espero que usted vea por qué el Indicador Estocástico ha existido por más de 50 años, pero sigue siendo uno de los mejores indicadores técnicos que están disponibles públicamente.

I typically avoid stocks under $20 dollars when I go long. This rule doesn’t apply when you shorting stocks.

Another great example of the Stair Step Method in action; Micron stock has been one of the most popular Short Term Trading Stocks around for over 15 years. Remember, the best technical indicators don’t have to be complicated or difficult to use. I’ve seen methods that don’t work half as well as this one sell for $3999.00.

This is the second entry method that I’m demonstrating using the Modified Stochastic Indicator. La próxima semana le mostraré el método de riesgo y el método de objetivo de beneficio que utilizo para intercambiar ambos métodos. For more on this topic, please go to: Bollinger Bands Strategy – How To Trade The Squeeze and Technical Analysis Basics – The Moving Target Strategy

Por Roger Scott Entrenador Senior Market Geeks

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For general information, request Michael Gray’s Article on the tax repercussions of incentive stock options. Or, check out our book, Secrets of Tax Planning For Employee Stock Options, Stock Grants and ESOPs, by Michael Gray, CPA.

Michael Gray regrets that he can no longer directly answer email questions from our readers, which were posted here. He will answer selected email questions in Michael Gray, CPA’s Option Alert as time and space permit. You will receive information on how to submit a question for consideration when you subscribe.

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Penny Stocks: 3 Best Penny Stocks Under $5

Penny Stocks: 3 Best Penny Stocks Under $5

Option Investing Partners – Most penny stocks are priced low for a reason. They’re usually on shaky ground, so you get what you pay for. Even though you should steer well clear of most penny stocks, every once in a while, you can find one that might be worth putting some money into.

Here are my three best penny stocks under $5.00 that have the potential to become a good investment. Bear in mind that the risks should be obvious, as these stocks are in the single-digits for a good reason. Due diligence is key.

Sirius XM Holding Inc.

If you bought and held Sirius XM Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:SIRI ) back in 2009 when the stock bottomed out at a nickel, chances are you’re pretty well off. Some of you may have even been able to retire. Despite its low price, SIRI stock has increased 79-fold in the last few years.

When the stock hit rock-bottom, Sirius XM was on the brink of bankruptcy, as fears grew that satellite radio would be a passing fad. Those fears have since faded, as the company has been able to produce solid growth for the last few years. In the latest quarter, revenue was up 11% over the previous year, while net income increased 22% year-over-year. (Source: “SiriusXM Reports Third Quarter 2015 Results,” Sirius XM Holdings, October 22, 2015; http://s2.q4cdn. com/835250846/files/doc_news/SiriusXM-Reports-Third-Quarter-2015-Results. pdf.)

Glu Mobile Inc.

Mobile game-maker Glu Mobile Inc. (NASDAQ:GLUU ) flirted with bankruptcy in the past, but the company seems to be roaring back on the heels of a number of partnerships with high-profile celebrities.

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Mcdonald's Stock Not A Good Option For Short Term Investors

McDonald's stock is expensive with its earnings multiple (Price to Earnings ratio) well over historic averages.

However, the market is bullish on McDonald's prospects with last year's EPS growth of 15%+ and projected growth of 12%+ in 2016.

McDonald's is only suited for long-term investors right now.


McDonalds (NYSE:MCD) is currently trading at just under $119 a share and is approaching its all-time highs. McDonald's third-quarter earnings in 2015 were the catalyst for the stock breaking out of its trading range of around $100 a share - which it had held since the start of 2012 (see graph below). In fact, the share price didn't move between 2012 and September 2015 despite the revenue and earnings decline since 2013. Nevertheless, the company's third quarter earnings in 2015 were the catalyst, because the decline in same-store sales in the US (7 straight quarters) finally came to an abrupt halt. The US market is crucial to McDonald's as it contributes around 40% of top line sales and over 50% of operating profits.

Therefore, when the market saw the turnaround in sales in the US, it valued the stock differently. Fourth quarter earnings announced in late January continued the momentum garnered in Q3. McDonald's announced a beat both on the top and bottom lines and growth in the US definitely seems to be back in earnest especially as the restaurant chain now has the tailwind of a booming All Day Breakfast offering. Same-store sales in the US actually spiked by 5.7% which was well above the consensus estimate of 3.2%. As a result of the turnaround in the US over the past 2 quarters combined with growth in its international and high growth markets, momentum has driven the McDonald's earnings multiple (Price to Earnings ratio) to 24.65 which is well above the company's 5 and 10 year averages. I am not saying that you shouldn't invest in McDonald's at this time, but before you invest, you should start with the end goal in mind. Let's go through a few examples so you can choose for yourself whether this is the right investment for you at this moment in time.

Firstly, investors should be aware that the company is getting smaller in the sense that revenue projections in 2016 and 2017 are much smaller than sales reported in 2013 for example. The management wants to make McDonald's much more streamlined so that earnings per share and free cash flow metrics become the priorities going forward. The company wants to achieve this by focused cost cutting ($500 million in SG&A reductions through 2018), re-franchising (4,000 outlets by the end of 2018) and a more streamlined menu which should mean quicker service over time.

Therefore, for long-term investors (10 - 15 years+), it's hard to go wrong with an investment in McDonald's. ¿Por qué? Well, despite having a high valuation at the moment (which won't last in my opinion), dividends re-invested at different times will ensure dollar cost averaging can occur over time which basically means that investors will be buying stock invariably at different prices. For example, at the end of 2007, the stock was trading at over $61 a share and had reported earnings per share for that year of $1.98. If you divide the two numbers, you get an earnings multiple of over 30 which again is way over its historical average of around 19. What would have happened if you invested in this stock at the end of 2007? Well, in hindsight, the great recession helped the company's EPS enormously over 2008 and 2009 which brought down its earnings multiple significantly. So you would have ended up buying at various earnings multiples, averaging out.

The stock's performance in the great recession shouldn't be underestimated by investors (as history could repeat) as McDonald's seems to thrive in periods of economic contraction. In fact, a $20,000 investment at the end of 2007 would have turned into $51,236 (12.2% annualized return) by March 2016 (assuming all 33 dividend payments were reinvested) despite starting out with a high earnings multiple. What's the takeaway of our first example? Well, over the long term, investors should do very well in a company like McDonald's if one re-invests the increasing dividend every year so that compounding and dollar cost averaging can occur over time.

However, what if the investor wanted short term gain or short term income? ( span of 2 to 3 years). In this case, the investment becomes a different ball game for a number of reasons. Firstly, because of the low EPS in 2007, the dividend payout ratio had spiked to 78% which meant future buybacks and dividend growth were always going to be lower than previous years. However here is the real kicker. Earnings per share actually more than doubled between 2007 and 2009, but the share price hardly moved. This is crucial for investors. Just because a company reports substantial earnings growth, it doesn't mean that the share price will reflect that growth. An investment of $20,000 at the end of 2007 (assuming all dividends were reinvested) would have turned into $22,359 returning a meager annualized return of 5.69%.

This brings me to the present (March 2016), which has some similarities with 2007. The company's expected EPS growth rate is over 12% for 2016 and almost 10% annualized over the next 5 years. However, investors should look at what has happened to earnings and the share price in the previous five years to get a gauge of where the share price is headed going forward. Over the last 5 years, the stock has rallied almost 60% but earnings didn't even grown by 1% on an annualized basis. This leads me to believe that even if McDonald's comes good with its future earnings projections, we still won't get sharp rallies in the share price in the near term. There may be a rally in the long term, as I expect earnings to grow and the earnings multiple to fall from these levels. In the short term, I don't see out-performance. So, before you invest remember to "start with the end goal in mind".

To sum up, I believe McDonald's at this point would only suit the long term investor, as over the long term one can dollar cost average. However over the short term, the stock doesn't look appealing to me. The recent spike in the share price has pumped up the earnings multiple and although meaningful earnings growth is predicted over the next few years, I don't see the share price following suit. Earnings per share doubled between 2007 and 2009 but the share price didn't move. I expect something similar for McDonald's in the near term.

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I do not hold any positions in the stocks mentioned in this post and don't intend to initiate a position in the next 72 hours

I am not an investment advisor, and my opinion should not be treated as investment advice.

I am not being compensated for this post (except possibly by Amigobulls).

I do not have any business relationship with the companies mentioned in this post.

Amigobulls Disclosures & Disclaimers:

This post has been submitted by an independent external contributor. This author may or may not hold any positions in the stocks discussed. Neither Amigobulls, nor any members of its staff hold positions in any of the stocks discussed in this post. Amigobulls has not verified the author’s positions in the stocks discussed, and does not provide any guarantees in this regard. The author may be paid by Amigobulls for this contribution, under the paid contributors program. However, Amigobulls does not guarantee the authenticity or accuracy of the information provided by the author in this post.

The author may not be a qualified investment advisor. The opinions stated in the post should not be treated as investment advice. Buying and selling of securities carries the risk of monetary losses. Readers/Viewers are advised to carry out their own due diligence and consult their investment advisors before making any investment decisions.

Amigobulls does not have any business relationship with any of the companies covered in this post. This post represents the views of the author/contributor and may not reflect the views of Amigobulls.

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